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Sec. Sec. If an ARD committee is formed … Added by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. June 17, 2005. (2) reimburse this state or the United States for any loss pursuant to the terms of any contract entered into. Section 1407(a)(2). You are limited to five attempts to take a certification exam. (c) To apply to participate in the program, a school district, public institution of higher education, or private or independent institution of higher education must use the form and apply in the time and manner established by commissioner rule. September 1, 2021. 3646), Sec. 1283 (H.B. Resuscitation is a monthly international and interdisciplinary medical journal. (b) Information provided by the agency under this section must indicate that individualized education program facilitation is an alternative dispute resolution method that some districts may choose to provide. Sept. 1, 2003. (e) Repealed by Acts 2013, 83rd Leg., R.S., Ch. (d) The State Board of Education by rule shall establish procedures for distributing community education development money to school districts. AGRICULTURE EDUCATION PROGRAM. (b) This section expires September 1, 2023. (j) A grant awarded to a school district or open-enrollment charter school under this section is in addition to the Foundation School Program funds that the district or charter school is otherwise entitled to receive. (2) the following conditions are satisfied: (A) the student is at least 16 years of age at the beginning of the school year or semester; (B) the student is a student at risk of dropping out of school, as defined by Section 29.081; (C) the student and the student's parent or guardian agree in writing to the student's participation; (D) at least two school years have elapsed since the student first enrolled in ninth grade and the student has accumulated less than one third of the credits required to graduate under the minimum graduation requirements of the district or school; and. (d) A plan to implement a blended learning model developed under Subsection (c) must: (1) during the first year require implementation of the model across an entire grade level at a campus and permit subsequent expansion of the model to additional grade levels at the campus or, if the campus has achieved full implementation of the model across all grade levels, to additional campuses in a manner that provides students a consistent learning experience; (2) require teachers to differentiate instruction for all students in a grade level using the blended learning model, including by: (A) using curricula and assessments that allow each student to progress at the student's pace based on demonstrated proficiency; (B) providing learning opportunities that give students, in collaboration with the teacher, control over the time, place, path, and pace of the student's learning; and. (c) Each district with an enrollment of 20 or more emergent bilingual students in any language classification in the same grade level shall offer a bilingual education or special language program. 3, eff. ACCIDENT, LIABILITY, AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COVERAGE. (ii) at the postsecondary level, an associate or baccalaureate degree; (C) includes opportunities for students to earn college credit for coursework; and, (D) includes, as an integral part of the program, participation by students and teachers in activities of career and technical student organizations supported by the agency and the State Board of Education; and. 29.1532. (2) provide services to each student until the student either voluntarily decides to attend a school in a different district or graduates from high school. 357), Sec. 2, eff. 19, eff. Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. Added by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 29.161. (j) If a person described by Subsection (i)(4) or (5) who views the video recording believes that the recording documents a possible violation under Subchapter E, Chapter 261, Family Code, the person shall notify the Department of Family and Protective Services for investigation in accordance with Section 261.406, Family Code. (b) A program under this section must emphasize basic skills in areas of the required curriculum under Section 28.002 and must offer students the opportunity to increase credits required for high school graduation under state or school district policy. 2383), Sec. 2, eff. June 19, 2015. 596, Sec. May 31, 2006. 3632), Sec. Subject to Subsection (c), the agency shall provide each student approved as provided by this subchapter a grant of not more than $1,500 to purchase supplemental special education services and supplemental special education instructional materials. 2442), Sec. Reporting the findings of the National Literacy Panel on Language-Minority Children and Youth, this book concisely summarises what is known from empirical research about the development of literacy in language-minority children and youth, ... 35, eff. (c) The commissioner shall review and, if necessary, update the minimum training guidelines developed under Subsection (b) at least once every four years. 1, eff. 2, eff. (d) The agency may prescribe additional duties for language proficiency assessment committees. ADMISSION, REVIEW, AND DISMISSAL COMMITTEE DUTIES. A program included on the list must be available to an elementary school at no cost to the school district or open-enrollment charter school. June 15, 2017. September 1, 2019. 790, Sec. QUALIFICATIONS OF PERSONNEL. 29.903 by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. (c) A campus may apply to the commissioner to participate in the pilot program. (q) The agency shall collect data relating to requests made under this section and actions taken by a school district or open-enrollment charter school in response to a request, including the number of requests made, authorized, and denied. 23), Sec. June 13, 2001. Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. June 17, 2015. September 1, 2013. 4), Sec. (a) In a manner consistent with federal law and regulations, each prekindergarten program provider, Head Start and Early Head Start program provider, and provider of an after-school child-care program provided at a school shall coordinate with the agency, the Texas Workforce Commission, and local workforce development boards regarding subsidized child-care services. Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. (b) To the extent funding is available under Subsection (e), the agency by rule shall establish and implement a financial literacy pilot program to provide students in participating school districts with the knowledge and skills necessary as self-supporting adults to make critical decisions relating to personal financial matters. Acts 2013, 83rd Leg., R.S., Ch. TEDS includes all data elements, code tables, business rules, and data validations needed to load local education agency (LEA—Texas school district or charter school) education data. INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATION PROGRAM FACILITATION. 29.0561. 29.047. 1252), Sec. REIMBURSEMENT FOR COMMUNITY EDUCATION SERVICES. Sec. 29.042. 1, eff. September 1, 2013. Sec. Sec. 767, Sec. (a) The State Center for Early Childhood Development, in conjunction with a school district, regional education service center, institution of higher education, local government, local workforce development board, or community organization, may develop a quality rating system demonstration project under which prekindergarten program providers, licensed child-care facilities, or Head Start and Early Head Start program providers are assessed under a quality rating system. (d) The commissioner shall establish minimum levels of student enrollment and standards of student progress required for continued funding of a program under this section. (a) The agency shall develop specific eligibility criteria based on the general classifications established by this section with reference to contemporary diagnostic or evaluative terminologies and techniques. Attempt Limit. (2) make data from the results of program evaluations available to parents. 2.019, eff. 21(a), eff. 548), Sec. Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. (1) "Parent" includes a guardian or other person standing in parental relation to a student. September 1, 2015. 1, eff. ENROLLMENT OF STUDENTS WHO DO NOT HAVE LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENCY. 1, eff. Added by Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. 1, eff. (b) In a district in which military instruction is given as provided by Subsection (a), available school funds may be spent to: (1) procure from any guaranty or surety company any bond authorized by Subsection (a), in the amount and on the conditions required by the governmental agency; or. June 19, 2009. M, Pub. (m) A school district, parent, staff member, or administrator may request an expedited review by the agency of the district's: (1) denial of a request made under this section; (2) request for an extension of time to begin operation of a video camera under Subsection (l)(3) or (5); or. 5, eff. September 1, 2021. 2, eff. 1556), Sec. At least one member appointed under this subsection must be a director of special education programs for a school district. ONE-TIME TECHNOLOGY REIMBURSEMENT. Added by Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch. May 28, 2015. Sec. The submission of Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) data is required of all school districts. Added by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. Section 1414(d) must include the basis of the disagreement. Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. (1) individual counseling, peer counseling, and self-help programs; (2) career counseling and job readiness training; (3) day care for the students' children on the campus or at a day-care facility in close proximity to the campus; (4) transportation for children of students to and from the campus or day-care facility; (5) transportation for students, as appropriate, to and from the campus or day-care facility; (6) instruction related to knowledge and skills in child development, parenting, and home and family living; and. 3, eff. The rules must: (1) prohibit an individual from being a representative under Subsection (a)(2) opposing a school district if: (A) the individual has prior employment experience with the district; and. Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. 5 (H.B. 260, Sec. 1, eff. 29.183. English is the basic language of this state. Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., R.S., Ch. (a) From state discretionary funds under Section 313(e), Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (Div. 943 (H.B. June 14, 2013. 2, eff. (e) The agency may solicit and accept a gift, grant, or donation from any source, including a foundation, private entity, governmental entity, or institution of higher education, for the implementation of the program. Acts 2013, 83rd Leg., R.S., Ch. (h) The State Board of Education by rule shall provide for an administrative process for the suspension of funding under Subsection (g)(2). 3.035, eff. (c) Grants provided under the strong foundations grant program may be in the form of funds, in-kind resources, or both. APPROVAL OF APPLICATION; ASSIGNMENT OF ACCOUNT. 3), Sec. 4, eff. AGENCY ROLE IN COMMUNITY EDUCATION. 4, eff. Reenacted and amended by Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. 91 (S.B. The program shall include the provision of an independent individualized education program facilitator to facilitate an admission, review, and dismissal committee meeting with parties who are in a dispute about decisions relating to the provision of a free appropriate public education to a student with a disability. If an ARD committee is formed for your child, you will be a member of that committee. 895 (H.B. (h) The agency shall study whether students retained under Section 28.02124 should be considered at-risk. (c) The agency shall collaborate with the Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner and the State Securities Board to develop the curriculum and instructional materials for the program. 722, Sec. Acts 2013, 83rd Leg., R.S., Ch. 851), Sec. May 31, 2021. 4, eff. 1312 (S.B. (f) The school district in which a student resides shall provide each student attending a school in another district under this subchapter transportation free of charge to and from the school the student would otherwise attend. 29.096. 1886), Sec. 1328 (H.B. The commissioner may adopt a rule excluding students retained by a parent or guardian under Section 28.02124 from being considered a "student at risk of dropping out of school" under Subsection (d)(1)(A). 29.304. 29.308. The agency shall develop tools to assist school districts and open-enrollment charter schools in implementing bilingual education and special language programs under this chapter. 925 (S.B. (7) is the child of a person eligible for the Star of Texas Award as: (A) a peace officer under Section 3106.002, Government Code; (B) a firefighter under Section 3106.003, Government Code; or. Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., R.S., Ch. 2066), Sec. (d) A plan submitted under Subsection (c): (A) be designed to support improved instruction of and learning by students and provide evidence of the accurate assessment of the quality of learning on campus; (B) describe any waiver of an applicable prohibition, requirement, or restriction for which the district or institution of higher education intends to apply; and, (C) include any other information required by commissioner rule; and. (2) submit to the commissioner a written application on a form prescribed by the commissioner stating the amount of the fee paid under Subdivision (1) for the certification examination. 29.045. Added by Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. 307), Sec. (j) The agency may not use more than five percent of the funds appropriated for the projects under this section for the agency's administration of this section. (e) A school district or open-enrollment charter school that operates a local remote learning program: (1) shall periodically assess the performance of students enrolled in virtual courses under the program; (2) subject to Subsection (f), may remove a student from virtual courses under the program and return the student to in-person instruction if the district or school determines that the student does not meet the criteria described by Subsection (d); and. Not later than December 1, 2003, the agency and the State Office of Administrative Hearings shall jointly determine whether it would be cost-effective for the agency to enter an interagency contract with the office under which the office would conduct all or part of the agency's special education due process hearings under 20 U.S.C. (9) periodic meetings of the participating entities to address common standards for the professional development of program staff and to create opportunities to ensure that local communities have effective program staff. (e) The programs required or authorized by this section may not be a substitute for programs required to be provided during the regular school year. (f) Not later than August 1 of each year, the agency shall publish a list of school districts and open-enrollment charter schools that elected under Subsection (d) or (e) not to provide the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test during the previous school year. (c) Not later than one year before the 18th birthday of a student with a disability, the school district at which the student is enrolled shall: (1) provide to the student and the student's parents: (A) written notice regarding the transfer of rights under this section; and, (B) information and resources regarding guardianship, alternatives to guardianship, including a supported decision-making agreement under Chapter 1357, Estates Code, and other supports and services that may enable the student to live independently; and. STRONG FOUNDATIONS GRANT PROGRAM. September 1, 2013. (2) ensure the provision of appropriate facilities for providing educational services and of necessary technological equipment if a resident's admission, review, and dismissal committee determines that the resident must receive educational services at the forensic state supported living center. May 30, 1995. May 30, 1995. 3646), Sec. September 1, 2013. September 1, 2007. (1) waive any immunity from liability of a school district or open-enrollment charter school, or of district or school officers or employees; or. 1, eff. Sec. Sec. (c) A public school operating a prekindergarten program, or an eligible entity as defined by Section 12.101(a) that provides a preschool instruction program and that meets qualifications prescribed by the commissioner, is eligible to apply for a grant if at least 75 percent of the children enrolled in the program are low-income students, as determined by rule of the commissioner. Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING. The district or charter school shall submit the plan not later than December 1 of each school year preceding the school year in which the district or charter school will receive the compensatory education allotment to which the plan applies. Appropriate state transition planning under the procedure adopted under Section 29.011 must begin for a student not later than when the student reaches 14 years of age. 21.001(7), eff. 3, eff. June 10, 2013. 4.01, eff. 2.026, eff. (c-1) In accordance with 34 C.F.R. 29.154. (b) Within the first four weeks following the first day of school, the language proficiency assessment committee established under Section 29.063 shall determine and report to the board of trustees of the district the number of emergent bilingual students on each campus and shall classify each student according to the language in which the student possesses primary proficiency. 5 (S.B. (f) The commissioner shall adopt rules necessary to implement this section. 1051), Sec. Added by Acts 2006, 79th Leg., 3rd C.S., Ch. (a) Bilingual education and special language programs must be located in the regular public schools of the district rather than in separate facilities. 29.053. (g) The commissioner shall adopt rules necessary to implement this section. 1, eff. The governor is encouraged to present a proclamation or certificate to each member of the business and industry community that the Texas Workforce Commission, in cooperation with the agency, determines has successfully assisted in the provision of a career and technology education program under this subchapter. (b) The agency shall establish standards for the certification of professional and paraprofessional personnel who conduct the programs in the public schools. 882), Sec. The decision of the board of trustees under this subsection relating to compliance with Subsection (f) is final and may not be appealed. (4) require the use of a proficiency-based assessment to inform instruction and provide teachers with relevant information regarding strengths and gaps in a student's learning and proficiency in the essential knowledge and skills. (e) A school district chosen by a student's parent under Section 29.201 may not charge the student tuition. The commissioner and any program selected under this section may not require any financial contribution from parents to implement and administer the program. ESTABLISHMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF PROGRAM. As part of the application process, the commissioner shall require a district or school to provide information regarding the operation of any similar program during the preceding five years. 5, eff. Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. 1, eff. 1, 2, eff. 29.455. 2.06(a)(2), eff. Regional programs for students who are deaf or hard of hearing shall meet the unique communication needs of students who can benefit from those programs. Amended by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. Sec. TRANSFER OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AT AGE OF MAJORITY. 748), Sec. 806 (H.B. 11, eff. DROPOUT PREVENTION STRATEGIES. Added by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. In adopting rules under this subsection, the commissioner may not impose any requirements on a school district's or open-enrollment charter school's plan to implement a blended learning model not listed under Subsection (d). (2) the rights and duties of the department to make decisions regarding the child's education under Section 153.371, Family Code, have not been limited by court order. Child’S special education program including recommendations for rules, concerning administration of this may. Week shall include the information and resources described by Subdivisions ( 6 ) and ( g.. Using a public hearing annually to review the performance of districts in providing services to students identified as GIFTED TALENTED... Agency report a message that encourages adherence to a subsidy under intensive program of instruction tea section may not require members of a or. Each semester intervention services of the community education related gifts, grants,,! 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