Houseplants spring cleaning

Houseplants spring cleaning Now that spring has sprung, its time to take a good look at some of your houseplants that have endured the long cold winter. Most houseplants are tropical and require high humidity…

Houseplants-bring them inside

As the end of summer approaches and night temperatures start to drop below 50 degrees, it is time to think about bringing your houseplants back inside. Summer vacation is over. Most houseplants are, after all,…

Jade plant care

Jade plant (Crassula argenta) also referred to Jade tree is grown an indoor houseplant that is easy to care for and can last for many years. It can also be grown outdoors in frost-free areas…

Repotting Christmas cactus

Our Christmas cactus has roots growing up out of the soil. Before we re-pot we would like to know how long do the roots get and is it okay to pot the cactus in a…


Most houseplants are tropical plants and require a humid environment to grow well indoors. A pebble tray is used during the winter to counter the dry indoor air and increase the much needed humidity around your…