Squash vine borer

I have planted zucchini. The plants looked healthy but now the leaves are suddenly starting to wilt in the sun. I also noticed some mushy, yellowish, grainy stuff at the base of the plant and…

Powdery Mildew

Powdery Mildew starts out as whitish spots that spread quickly until the entire leaf is covered. The white powdery growth is a fungus that with time becomes gray to tan/brown felt like patches. Leaves may…

Grow pumpkins

How to grow pumpkins Pumpkins are a warm weather crop and do not tolerate cold temperatures. In cooler climates they can be started indoors in pots, one month before the frost-free date and then planted…

Growing Peppers

Peppers are considered a warm season vegetable. There are many varieties of peppers ranging from sweet to hot. One of the oldest and popular garden varieties is the sweet, thick-walled bell pepper ‘California Wonder’.  …