Cut roses care

How to care for cut roses If someone special gives you roses, here are  care and handling tips so you can enjoy your roses longer. Fresh roses can last for 10-14 days but improper care from the grower to…

Cut flower tips

Long-lasting Cut flower tips: Now a days, cut flowers can be bought just about anywhere. The quality and longevity depends on the care the cut flowers receive; from the moment they leave to grower to…

Forcing flowering branches

After a long cold winter you just can’t wait to see some signs of spring. Bring spring indoors by forcing some spring-flowering branches into bloom. Spring-flowering trees and shrubs such as crabapples, forsythia, lilac, magnolia, pussy willows,…

Do not mix Daffodils

Daffodils should not be mixed with other flowers in a vase. Cut daffodils release a stem-clogging sap (slime exudate) that causes other flowers to wilt especially tulips. Cut them early in the morning when they…

Cut lilies

  Whether you grow your own or purchase them,  lilies make great cut flowers to use in a vase or floral arrangements. When cutting fresh lilies from your garden to enjoy indoors, leave 1/2 to…