toddler doesn't react to loud noises

When they say hearing in at least one ear is normal, it’s because they are not testing only one ear at a time. She responds to her name (95% of the time, unless she is really into something but after the second or third time, she looks at you, albeit reluctantly! Price: $4 For quite some time I feel he shows signs of autism but too scared to approach my friends I was already to and found out they were prego with number two. He is also very energetic, and whines a lot and sometimes he will fuss or scream for no apparent reason What should I do? Good luck with this difficult situation! Keep taking him to play with family, friends, their children, social places like the park, your church, McDonalds, and any other place where little kids are likely to be. where is sheep? He has maybe 10-15 words he says right now. I’d recommend that you go ahead and have him evaluated by your public school preschool program to see if he qualifes for that. I have recently mentioned this to our family doc and he put in a referral for my son to a developmental pediatrician but said it could take at least a year to get in. Parents who are reading this site feel that understanding their child’s developmental challenges is actually helpful, not stressful. He is having the hardest time to accept his brother. Sometimes she gags and ends up vomiting, but it’s because she has a lot of food in her mouth. You may also want to check out the DVDs available here to give you additional ways to work with her at home. The other thing I’d mention at the doctor’s visit are his sensory system needs – a drive for movement, an over-the-top reaction to singing, the on/off thing -more than anything these suggest to me sensory processing differences. My son is 2 year 8 months old. Then on top of that huge loss, you’re also worried sick about your 3 year old little boy. Also if he wants his milk if you don’t let him get it out of the refrigerator himself, pour it and leave it on the counter for him to grab he’ll throw a tantrum. (Just tonight when pizza was delivered – he said, Pizza’s here! Don’t get me wrong. With all of that being said, there is one thing he does that was mentioned up there as a sign when they DON’T do and that is that he waves hi and bye if you initiate it and he also gives kisses if you ask. At a family event, wait for the music or someone to make a loud … Allow the other pets to sniff, interact, and even hiss. He is an only child. You didn’t mention how old your son is, so I can’t really tell you if he’s meeting his language milestones or not. Let us know how it goes! I have 22mo old twins and they are not talking yet they used to say a few words before their little sister was born now the sometimes repeat the words we are telling them,and sometimes they just stare back at you, they do understand when wo tell them to do something but sometimes thei just ignore us, when they need help they have a scream that they only do when they need help,when they get exited they jump and run and they scream and when they take each others toys and they won’t stop crying until they get it back. If he is making good progress in therapy, then you may want to wait until he’s 3 or after, or you may no longer be concerned enough at that point to pursue the formal diagnostic visit. I also think that, once they’re developmentally ready, building that comfort level and having kids create things with digital media gives them a sense of power—they’re not just consuming media, they also get a sense that they’re creators too.”, Peter Gray, PhD, a research professor in psychology at Boston University and the author of Free to Learn, agrees. Aggressive behavior in toddlers. She should be answering and asking questions. He follows direction and is very smart at other things. And she has recently become very attached to these two blankets. You can see some clips of my DVDs here on the website to let you watch how to help 2 year olds learn how to imitate words. I am concerned about his language development. She has in the last month added a lot of new words to her vocabulary and started to put 2 to 3 word sentences together since she joined Day Care 2 months ago. Lis – By the way you describe him, it sounds like he has many, many sensory processing issues. As far as feeding goes, if he’s eating at least 10 different table foods from different consistencies & several food groups and is steadily gaining weight, don’t worry. He will not take a sippy cup, but will only feed from a bottle often times held by his mother. You are not expecting too much from him. All 3 of my own children did this, and only one of them successfully trained during this time. Imagine a line that is created by the division of the wall and the floor. My 17 month old son is a very bright child. there might be a couple more. keys or car keys That’s it. He can say a few words, and is learning to count. Thanks so much from the UK! If he’s not consistently responding, the therapy manual Teach Me To Play WITH You may also be helpful. Sorry I’m just now getting back to you. It is very hard for me to get info out of him (ie what did you do in school today) unless i ask super specific questions (what did you have for snack in school today). Rachel – Let me start this comment by saying that I can’t see your little boy, so I really can’t address the whole is he/isn’t he question. The part that really worries me though is the speech thing. An occupational therapist who specializes in working with children who have these issues could teach you ways to work with him at home. But a 15-month-old understands that a spoon is for stirring or eating and will try to use it for its intended purpose, stirring her oatmeal at mealtime. You may be able to head off trouble if you know what the triggers are. -Good eye contact When I evaluate a child, after confirming parents’… I’m going to talk about this more on my podcast this week, so tune in for more ideas. If I try to make her join a group of children she starts to cry. Let us know – Laura. My son just turned 2 in June. I have tried to find research and figure out if my daughter might have autism since she throws some of the more violent temper tantrums ever. I’m just worried cause she has always been more advanced in physical things, has a speech delay, every once in awhile she will line up her toys and she has been walking on her tip toes since she could walk. If not, she definitely should be! I hope that she’s seeing an Occupational Therapist who specializes in Sensory Processsing Disorder, a PT for her motor skills, and an SLP for feeding and language. She isn’t very hyper-active, but will stay away for a long time…thinking she only need only a few hours a day or every couple of days. He knows how to engage me, is there any way to engage him? BUt the only thing that has me worried is that sometimes NOT all the time, just every once in a while when he gets excited he does this weird thing with his hands! He says it at all different times whether he sees my husband or not or sees the car. Although she does not seem bothered by the “lines” being “interrupted”. Thanks for your question – Laura. You sound like such a thoughtful, engaged Mom. And for most parents, calling late talking at age 2 a “delay” is not that big of a deal since it’s obvious there’s at least a little language delay since they child has not begun to talk by his second birthday. He smiles when you smile at him, and he will try to count numbers to 5 on his fingers with you and then will give you a high five once you get to five. It’s good that he has a strength for being able to repeat what he hears. In any case Does he recognize fingerplays and little games? An occupational therapist who specializes in working with children with sensory processing differences can help determine why he’s doing this. Based on what you said, he does have some red flags for autism and certainly exhibits language delay since he’s not talking yet, but of course you’ll need to have someone SEE him to rule out autism and give you a firm diagnosis. Mom and Dad are first time older parents in their forties. There’s a great book that explains sensory issues called Sensational Kids by Lucy Jane Miller. I just need to know if im just expecting too much out of him, or if my gut is telling me im right in thinking there is soemthing wrong. However his biggest issue, the one that worries me the most, is his social skills. when she born she have fibramotosis colli, i dont know if this affect her. Always amazes me when another super helpful email comes from you, and for free. I’m still waiting on a neurologist appointment for him (he has started patting/scratching the back of his head and his ears and putting pressure in his eyes with his hands) to kind of see where to go, but it seems like a very long road. If you’ve never seen a child like this, chances are, things that aren’t developing as they should. He use to say his sisters names and a few other things he no longer says them. The teacher says that he is doing great, they are still working on him sitting still for circle time, which he’ll only do for a while than wonder off to do some other activity. Back to my toddler son, no matter how loud I talk he doesn’t hear me,he also sometimes rocks back and forth, this started in May, but he doesn’t do that on a daily basis, any input you can give us would me greatly appreciated. Not walking by 17 months is a concern. She doesn’t point with the finger, it’s more like a gesture with her entire hand. And he plays well with the little boy down the street, giving him high fives, etc. I just want some clarity. ?I HAVE A 4 YEAR OLD TO BUT HE IS SO DIFFRENT THAN HIM I GUESS IT CONCERNS ME BECAUSE BOTH OF MY KIDS WERE DIFFRENT AS THEY WERE GROWING UP THE 4 YEAR OLD WAS SO CALM AS A BABY TILL NOW AND THE 21 MONTH OLD IS SO HYPER AND DOESNT TALK AT ALL I KNOW THERES SOMETHING WRONG I JUST DONT KNOW WHAT? For example, ask if he wants to eat more and he says no, but if we take it away and then he will ask it back. It’s a tough situation for all of you. This really concerns me. When – Get the assessment and then decide if you agree or don’t agree with their recommendations. It’s not part of typical development, but don’t panic, because although it’s not “typical,” it is pretty common with children with sensory processing differences. thanks sarah…she does understand pretty much everything and enjoys playing games with us. He seems to have a very low attention span. He doesnt listen, if we say no he keeps on or just screams. These were so good that Kate and I may discuss these on this week’s show Teach Me To Talk with Laura and Kate. Why are we so quick to label such young children. I’d also encourage you to keep talking with your OT if she there might be an appropriate diagnosis for him beyond sensory processing disorder. Or he may actually sit calmly and happily with you and look at the pictures. I spoke with both his PT and a friend who is an SLP, and they mentioned that this is likely due to the focus he is putting on his motor development, and to not worry about it right now. 9878636 I prefer to see children weekly for 45 minutes to an hour, but I do see them less often if they have other issues and need other therapies, mostly because of limits of the early intervention program in our state, difficulties with family scheduling, or if a family is paying privately, what they can afford. He will poke them in the eye, push them, takes things from them. We have our usual seats but if one of my other children sits in the “wrong seat” for breakfast, lunch or snack…my daughter goes bananas until they move to their “designated” seat that she’s used to seeing them in. She does NOT like to read books, but I feel it’s because I didn’t read many books to her when she was tiny, because she does like to take the book and point at things and tell me what they are, or even asking me “what’s this” so I can answer it. I have some concerns about his development and don’t know if it’s just too early to worry. He will now drive his cars instead of just spinning the wheels. I see other kids his age going crazy with those activities. He will come up to us and want to be picked up, but usually it’s so he can look in a cabinet, or reach something on the fireplace mantle. If your toddler's fit attracts attention from other adults in the vicinity, you're likely to be embarrassed, but your child will pick up on that too, and may increase the intensity of his tantrum. She got frustrated so I ended the game. We have been speaking Spanish in the house about half the time since he was born. In the meantime keep reading for ideas here on the website. Steven rarely responds to his name and seems to ignore you most of the time. Plays and fights well his twin sister He didn’t cry. You may also want to check out the DVD Teach Me To Listen and Obey 2 for more ideas to help him at home until speech therapy starts. In my experience children whose parents make a commitment to work with them at home do much better than those whose parents don’t. Keep reading ideas here on the website too. People who tell you that are not educated in child development. Laura. My son is 16 months old. Remember that if your child can’t communicate with people, they do tend to act out from frusteration as well a lot of the times. He has a weird fascination with lights & ceiling fans. So, now whenever we walk the stair on the swing he keeps saying his numbers. My insurance is not very good, I have to pay a lot of money out of pocket before my benefits kick in. she has hit EVERY developmental milestone except talking. Also just to let you know although he does not answer to his name if you say something that interests him ( Mickey Mouse) he will respond. It NEVER hurts to have a child evaluated. These ideas are from Teach Me To Listen and Obey 1 and 2. * She has no feeding issues except that she stuffs her mouth full when eating and lately sticks her hand in there to examine her chewed food. I have started doing this because she used to be a lot more misbehaved with them than at home with us but she started pulling my cat’s tail until I physically remove her grip from it and her not listening or flat out disobeying, etc…. Read the articles on the site for ideas with how to help her at home. Oh one other thing I forgot– she knows some sign language (more, milk and all done); however she used to sign milk a lot and now she doesn’t do it anymore. A few months ago he said ball a few times but has not repeated since. Hope I’ve given you some new things to think about and work on with him! Just want to say although I am not a doctor,I teach preschool ages 3,4 & pre K. I have seen children that show many of the signs of Autism and too many parents choose the “WAIT and SEE” course of treatment. I am hoping that the OT can start soon. I am concerned for him and want to help in anyway i can. He does it multiple times a day. In the meantime, read the articles her eon the site for more ideas. They aren’t the greatest, but they aren’t the worst. When we pick her up, she will deliberately look the other way and avoid looking at us. If we want him to repeat something we’re saying he won’t do it. Laura, hi laura So I thought I’d see what you thought. Great toy. He has maybe 10-15 words he says right now. I do get smiles and eye contact from him. However, the regional center (in California) who recommended ABA repeatedly said that they had NOT made any diagnosis. If you’re unsure, then there’s likely a qualitative difference. If you can train them during that period, great, but if you can’t, then it may not happen until she’s between 2 1/2 to 3. He does not talk with words at all he babbles all the time. we are waiting for a call from his doctor to begin the screening processes. You may also want to check out the DVDs for specific strategies that you and your daughter can implement at home to help teach him to communicate. But I am a single parent and have lots of Qeustions. Price: Free We’ve tried play groups and whatnot and nothing has ended well. If you are in the United States, every state has a program for children ages birth to 3 who are having difficulty meeting their developmental milestones. She has a whole bag that she absolutley “HAS” to bring to my parents house when they watch her while we are working. My husband and I ask him questions and he wont answere most of the time. An intense, frustrated almost two-year old is very difficult to live with, and I so applaud your and your husband’s attention to this situation. For the most part he already knows his ABC’s and some numbers. Autism is a “spectrum disorder,” which means that all children with autism do not share exactly the same difficulties. She has some of the most wild and random tantrums. Does my son have something worse if he is speech AND physically delayed? He learned two new words last week. Five litle monkeys I might get a referral on a child at 24 months, and when I ask the mom when she first started to worry, she often says, “For a long time.”, You can do 2 things – either wait it out to see if it’s a temporary little bump in his development OR go ahead and be proactive and call your state’s early intervention program for an assessment. Also her new thing is that she does not like ketchup and she used to love it but she stopped liking it there bout a month ago. She knows this 19 yr old autistic kid who acts hyperactive like my son and rubs his mother’s hand. My son Shiva is 19 months old. In the meantime, use the ideas here on the site to help you work with him at home! Don't be surprised if your toddler already seems to treat you and your partner differently. While there is nothing “wrong” with this kind of information, it’s not very communicative, and for kids with language delays, it can be detrimental because that’s all they want to say. I am in US and I have already contacted Early Start. He may not fully understand what you want him to do, therefore he cries and becomes upset for no reason or “out of blue.”. He likes what he likes and no one can change his mind. She has not said mama or dada yet specifically (she has babbled dada, but not mama). I need help and don’t know where to go, my husband thinks Im nuts, Stevens dad is in denial. You can also request an assessment from your state’s early intervention program. You’d never think of having a baby by yourself without a doctor or not seeing a cardiologist if you were having a heart problems, so don’t give up on speech therapy just because it hasn’t been “magic” yet! Lots of two year olds suddenly become afraid of things that they don’t fully understand – like where an odd noise is coming from. “Does it capture the child’s interest in a way that doesn’t involve a lot of distractions?” she asks. He does sometimes repeat things but we’re not sure and we’re a bit worried. I have been wishing to rehome him for more than a year now. They should be able to tell you what’s going on with your son, and more importantly, teach you ways to work with him at home. As you’re browsing, consider what you’d like your child to learn in front of the screen, and what his interests are. Laura. thank you! hello there. State programs end at 3 and then children are seen for therapy by their local public school systems. At the very least, if he is developing normally, the evaluators will tell you that, and you’ll stop being unnecessarily concerned. You couldn’t have “made” her learn at a younger age. we had his evaluated by a speech therapist and was told that he wasnt behind at all. If he is significantly behind, he will qualify for therapy and you’ll have someone help you figure out how he learns. Continue to read his signals and relax! He has recently added head-butting and attempted biting to that list. he’s dreadful with food, if he don’t like the feel of it in his hands it’s not going in his mouth, it’s just hard to think on the spot about his symtoms, i have been told by my autistic cousins social worker to get him tested for autism, but when i speak to my health vistors they don’t seem to see any problem. The first time he actually put his finger on an picture in a book was 2 days ago. Babies also react to sudden, loud noises. Many children have a few “quirks” and yet still continue to hit their developmental milestones and make good progress, with or without special intervention. We have to say something like “give to mommy” , but to say get ball sometimes we have to direct him to the object and then he will get it, it just depends. Difficulties sleeping, pickiness with eating, and tantrums are hallmarks of turning 2 – that’s why we call it the “terrible two’s!” Keep talking to other moms and checking out websites for moms of toddlers for hints to help you with eating and sleeping. He is 26 months old and is starting to use functional phrases like “I want_________.” The problem I am having is that he will say what he wants (over and over!) The only time we worry about a child “losing” skills is when he’s losing and not gaining anything new. On task but I have a 20 month old son and he calls his or... Of different directions her toes and is very vilent with other kids play and peekaboo! 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