all mother bear quests and rewards

Despite this, white flowers are a personal favorite of mine. The Wind Shrine: a beautiful - mystical - icon of the mountain. Nature's spell, the most potent of them all. Who knows. The Characters chosen for this Tome were Claudette Morel , Evan MacMillan (The Trapper ), The Alchemist (later revealed to be Talbot Grimes, The Blight ), and The Observer . Just 6 more to go. Either one. Polar Bear has 18 different quests that he will randomly assign and can be completed indefinitely. Look at me. It's my duty to preserve them and distribute them to beekeepers like you. This quest is one of the ones that requires you to make matches. Substories are extra side quests you can participate in throughout the game for various rewards. We should be able to find whatever Xan is after in the Library. Sprouts specifically. Maybe Windy won't be so coy with you. Alternatively it can be kept in the player's inventory or storage until the player is ready to accept it. Sprout in the Sunflower Field yield 7 times more [Sunflower Seeds] than in typical fields. (She holds up her [Petal Wand]) And I grew to believe that through my bond with nature, I would always be fearless. Pain is the cause of life. Whoops! The bees, they don't even make honey in some places - they don't care! I can talk to a dang coconut tree. ... ...(She's sleeping)... ... ...(You try to wake her, but she doesn't react)... ...(You notice a note rolled loosely in her hand)... (It reads:) No soliciting. You like [Star Jellies], yes? As close as possible without straining yourself. "Crazy old Spirit Bear rambles on for hours about listening to trees" Yes I know what it sounds like! If the player gave Polar Bear a present, the notification read, "Science Bear has given you some gifts!" instead of, "Polar Bear has given you some gifts!". (Yawn) Get your gooey paws off my petals! It doesn't have to be loud - it still can't be ignored. They’re just decorations. 250x Moon Charm ...(She closes her eyes)... Reverberations... echoes... Traces of something. ... For years after, every once in a while, I would begin to feel it. They part, and the sun beats down on us again. If you are a beekeeper looking for a quest [sic] Please scan this code with your Quest Menu [sic] (You scan the code with your Quest Menu) (It brings you to Spirit Bear's website) (It appears incredibly old) (Top and center, there's a highly compressed image of young Spirit Bear) (Below that, a crude animated gif of Windy Bee flying across the screen) (Below that, a list of the quest tasks loads very slowly) (You write them all down) (Toward the bottom of the website there's an icon says [sic] "Sign My Guestbook") (You click on it, but it fails to load) (Below that, a page visit counter that reads 23488) (You reload the page, but the counter doesn't go up). Put on a coat, dear! A nice warm coat. Out there? I know. Polar Bear's quests require defeating mobs and collecting pollen for him (Excluding his Egg Hunt quest, Egg Hunt: Polar Bear). In return, he will give the player honey, treats, Polar Power, (which increases max bee energy by 5%), and occasionally, crafting material (s ). Some quests also guarantee a ticket, and one quest even gives two tickets. Isn't that right, Honey Bear? (She tosses petals into the air) There we go again! I could be many bears, I probably am. As a cub I hated nothing more than questing. Still I - I need your help. 10x Micro-Converter And I just shrug it off. This quest is given to the Dragonborn by Froki Whetted-Blade at Froki's Shack, which will require one to travel to various locations to kill various "Guardian" beasts. Who could resist? Not as old as some things. But you all look rather similar to me. To test its own strength? (Cough) Excuse me, dear. But I still need to know! Yes you, little ones! (She looks up at the shrine again) Our world appears before us magically. Precious. Collect 6,000,000,000 Pollen from the Coconut Field. Well then, here you are. (She looks up at the wind shrine) Windy Bee, It knows this is the last one too. I didn't ask him what he was doing there, that would be rude. (She takes a drink from her water bottle) Ahhhh. Sorry, just catching up on sleep. ... Why am I on about this... Eh, what's it matter. I wanted to bake some rhubarb pies. That something is us. What? Oh! Isn't that sad? It didn't help that I was also the sharper of the two of us. Did you? (Somehow she's standing in her sleep) (Why not let her rest while you complete her quest?). Who knows! But he's not who I'm thinking of... Who... Hmm, nevermind [sic]. Let me give you some information about it so you have time to make a decision. Give Spirit Bear a moment... it'll all come back (Yawn) All come back to me after I wake up. In subtle ways, very subtle. The Honey Bear. We strive, we grow, we do many things. Oh, silly me. (Yawn) Connoisseur? Collect 40,000,000 Pollen from the Pineapple Patch. It's happened before, and it's happening again. Maybe, maybe give Spirit Bear a little break. (Yawn) Shush up Stick Bug! It wasn't very different, honestly. Yes... Well, I want to talk about it. The magic of nature itself can be channeled through them... To fire Petal Shurikens all around you! Into a goal - into focus. Have I ever told you, you look so familiar. ... You finished that quest already? Quests can seem so tedious, so meaningless, don't you agree? Collect 100,000,000 Pollen from the Pumpkin Patch. Oooh, isn't it all the same? You need my guidance to reach the next level of beekeeping. I was running out of room in there anyways. I watched Onett, but it wasn't quite Onett. Yes, very true. Oh! In Khrysalis, you get to fight multiple bosses at once in some fights! The initial reward is a fusion core. I know it has to do with "bees". Goodness! Why are dreams so hard to remember? Collect 30,000,000 Pollen from the Sunflower Field. Players start with a few domestic animals and more become available as one progresses through the game. Nevermind, I'll give them to you in a second. When you succumb to pain, it can be impossible to witness or even believe in beauty. You find it charming, right? It won't be easy though, oh no! Collect 100,000,000 Pollen from the Pine Tree Forest. And guess what? I went to the sky for a reason. Maybe... Maybe not... How could we know? 20x Royal Jelly Yes, it's so easy for us to speak over nature... To see in it what we've already seen/ What we want to see. A quest. I don't care about hunting eggs, but I adore the related confectionaries, My cousin Bee Bear outdoes himself each Beesmas. This may sound a bit cold, but I was surprised how much it affected me. 100x Moon Charm, 3x Glitter Why am I asking so many questions? Did I seriously do that? Until her nervous habits gave her something to worry about! Until the day my sister passed away. And it could talk. Don't want to end up like her, no. Making ever more honey is your challenge [sic entire sentence]. This spot, I quite like it. This is a safety hazar- Oh! We can't know, can we? Shush!! Yes, Beesmas is a true delight. Do you, dear? (Sigh) What's it matter. No no. Oh! Somehow she's standing in her sleep) ...pumpkins... ...dirty... (Why not let her rest while you complete her quest?). It didn't help that I was also the sharper of the two of us. And I wouldn't cry - I'd laugh. All of these quests require a significant amount of combat or other skill use that will result in levelups (potentially several, at low levels). There you are, dear. (She takes some dried petals out of her [Petal Belt]) I'll give you something to laugh about. Well, not a problem. Mother Bear is a quest giver, and one of the seven permanent quest bears that can be accessed in-game, the others being Black Bear, Brown Bear, Panda Bear, Science Bear, Polar Bear, and Spirit Bear. Her quests are focused on leveling up the player's bees and feeding them treats. See any other bears with one of these? You've heard of them, surely. No, go. Why are there so many field [sic], how are they even different from eachother [sic]? Nothing you see, can be seen through being comprehended, you see? A gift to set you apart. ...Oh yes, your quest. But all over, wherever there was adventure, I went. But I still need to know! ...(She's loading up some quest information)... Pineapples, sparkles... Aren't those a bit weird. 5x Enzymes It's the [Cast Iron Skillet Ornament]! Rewards may include gold, items, increases of skill levels. Don't you, Windy? Climb the tall tree, crawl along its branch, and jump down to th… Make your choice. (She stops talking to the [Spirit Petal]) Well then, you know how this works. (Yaaawn) Or... at least... ... ...try to watch... ... (She falls asleep), (Somehow she’s standing in her sleep) ...right...time... (Why not let her rest while you complete her quest? Collect 300,000,000 Goo from Blue Flowers. Enough, here you are, honey bun. Probably? You've got to understand something about me, dear: If you're hoping for a purpose to my rambling, you're hopeless! Let me tell you, it was a pain to establish. Im just thinking. What do you mean? The sun, it just knocks me out. Spells - perhaps you could call them tricks. Well, maybe not biggest. Try your best! Well, I guess we'll just have to see. Are some bees just better than the others? Hmm, moving along rather swiftly. ...(She's loading up some quest information)... Pineapples, sparkles... Aren't those a bit weird. Those Red Bees, they really are a feisty bunch. I feel it's someone specifically. There is no peace up there, oh no. What? We're here now! You'll usually only get the benefits that come with doing the action (ie. is probably a reference to the image of. Found insideIt was I MY MOTHER . the little woman's activity would prevent her ... mother , the usual benediction of God save all here ' - be thal's a darling . ), (Yawn) You can't stay in that tunnel forever! But an [Ornament] can't lie, it's just a piece of glass... or plastic. 50x Moon Charm I must sound ridiculous. The magic of nature itself can be channeled through them... To fire Petal Shurikens all around you! Yes... ... (She's fallen asleep) (Yawn) I said don't wink! It would be subtle - don't expect anything drastic now. (Yawn) ...(She looks over your bees)...You [sic] bees aren't the boss of me, heheh. But any destination we choose for ourselves... Couldn't possibly live up to the places we go. AH! Well, I wouldn't say biggest weakness, I've gotten much better with it. Nature reminds us, all the time, in sudden ways we can't ignore... That there's more to life than what we already know. I didn't hear the chimes, so I don't think he did. Yes... Well, I want to talk about it. Oh! As another simpler shortcut, players can use the Red Cannon and a Parachute/Glider to reach Polar Bear or if the player has enough Jump Power, they can jump off the tallest cactus in the Cactus Field.

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