amy bastian google scholar

Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. A shift in P endpoints (dashed red line) from P targets signifies proprioceptive realignment (ΔŷP). Motor cognition encompasses how we understand our own movement, and how movement helps us to understand the world. Morton SM . For instance, if the room is dimly lit, proprioception may be more reliable than vision (van Beers et al., 2002; Mon-Williams, Wann, Jenkinson, & Rushton, 1997), in which case the brain should realign vision to match proprioception. To control for the effects of cTBS over AG, we studied two separate control groups. Remarkably, recent studies have shown that even a single bout of aerobic exercise can lead to immediate improvements in declarative learning and memory, but less is known about the effect of exercise on motor learning. By continuing to use our website, you are agreeing to, Language in Our Brain: The Origins of a Uniquely Human Capacity, The Two Halves of the Brain: Information Processing in the Cerebral Hemispheres, Notes on Analog-Digital Conversion Techniques, Task Learnability Modulates Surprise but Not Valence Processing for Reinforcement Learning in Probabilistic Choice Tasks, How Visual Expertise Changes Representational Geometry: A Behavioral and Neural Perspective, Dynamic Transitions between Neural States Are Associated with Flexible Task Switching during a Memory Task, Diverse Deep Neural Networks All Predict Human Inferior Temporal Cortex Well, After Training and Fitting, Modality-specific Changes in Motor Cortex Excitability After Visuo-proprioceptive Realignment, Going beyond Inferior Prefrontal Involvement in Semantic Control: Evidence for the Additional Contribution of Dorsal Angular Gyrus and Posterior Middle Temporal Cortex, The Left Angular Gyrus Is Causally Involved in Context-dependent Integration and Associative Encoding during Narrative Reading, Different Brains Process Numbers Differently: Structural Bases of Individual Differences in Spatial and Nonspatial Number Representations, CODING AND DECODING TECHNIQUES FOR TRANSLATIONAL AND ANGULAR MOTION, The MIT Press colophon is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. We studied 52 right-handed adults. At the end of the experiment (TMS3, Figure 2C), we recorded another 10 MEPs using the same SI1mV and compared their average to the TMS1 value as another means of assessing whether corticospinal excitability had changed. Proceedings of the Royal Society - Biological Sciences. In other words, this region computes the magnitude of visual and proprioceptive realignment based on visuoproprioceptive weight. Journal of cognitive neuroscience 22 (6), 1158-1164. , 2010. Powers. Proprioceptive deafferentation slows down the processing of visual hand feedback. To keep participants from noticing the different orientation of the coil, an identical but unplugged coil was held tangentially (aiming into the head) beneath the active coil. (1996) were a group average, which we warped into single-participant space. The second possibility is that a specific neural process is at work controlling the relationship of weight and realignment. This indicates that cTBS in the AG group disrupted the relationship between visuoproprioceptive weight and realignment. We performed an ANOVA on reach duration and found that, while all groups got faster from Base 1 to Base 2 (ANOVARM time effect F(1, 49) = 4.39, p = .041), there was no group effect (F(2, 49) = 2.13, p = .13) and no interaction of Group × Time (F(2, 49) = 0.06, p > .9). Found insideTammy Allen Bill Ard Lora Barry Clark Bastian Martin Bauer Linda Brantner Joan S. ... Curator of Education Amy Hopper , Receptionist James Porter , Designer ... Found inside – Page 782... Bastian , Melodia , Kelly & O'Reilly , and predecessors , 1959– Diplomate Am . Bd ... Mellon Found . fellow , 1976-79 ; Hume faculty scholar , 1979-81 . 135. Computational models for sensorimotor integration. Reach endpoints in XY to visual (blue), proprioceptive (red), and combined (purple) targets (targets at the origin). Sensory prediction errors drive cerebellum-dependent adaptation of reaching. Dynamic modulation of cerebellar excitability for abrupt, but not gradual, visuomotor adaptation. Pearson, K.G. (G–I) Group mean reach endpoints, with standard error (shaded regions). Amy J Bastian Kennedy Krieger Institute / Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Verified email at The Neuroscientist 22 (1), 83-97, 2016 . J Neurophysiol 86: 971-985. Coordinate-based activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis of neuroimaging data: A random-effects approach based on empirical estimates of spatial uncertainty. Sensory and motor deficits in children with cerebral palsy born preterm correlate with diffusion tensor imaging abnormalities in thalamocortical pathways. One received real TMS over midline between the parietal cortices (Pz group; n = 17, 11 women, mean age = 24.9 years). [PMC free article] [Google Scholar] After the baseline blocks, a misalignment was imposed between visual and proprioceptive estimates of the left index finger's position during the Adaptation block (84 reaches; 21 V, 21 P, and 42 VP; interleaved). Journal of biomechanics 24 (8), 743-752. The multimodal quality of PPC is an intriguing feature and is widely thought to be the basis for sensory integration (e.g., Grefkes & Fink. Four participants of 52 reported that the V component seemed forward of the P component at some point in the experiment; removing these participants from the analysis did not alter the results, so they were left in. Importantly, neither study demonstrated a causal relationship. If you have the appropriate software installed, you can download article citation data to the citation manager of your choice. Department of Neuroscience, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA. Link | ISI Google Scholar; Lang CE , Bastian AJ. Base 1 and Base 2 were baseline reaching blocks, each with 39 reaches of the right index finger to visual (V), proprioceptive (P), or combined (VP) information about the left index finger (15 V, 15 P, and 9 VP; interleaved). We therefore discarded any wv that resulted from a calculation where the V to P separation was smaller than half a standard deviation of either the V or P endpoint distributions (a cutoff of one standard deviation yielded similar results but caused more wv to be discarded). The mirror was positioned midway between screen and reaching surface, such that images in the mirror appeared to be in the plane of the reaching surface. In K. R. Boff, L. Kaufman, & J. P. Thomas (Eds. The cursor did not reappear until the next trial began, and the right finger was within a square zone around the start box. It may be a simple emergent property of separate neural pathways, in which case disrupting an area important for realignment should also disrupt the correlation between weighting and realignment (Figure 1A(1)). (1996). Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. Vaccine Information | Safety & Visiting Guidelines, 707 N. Broadway (2005) found cTBS decreased excitability in motor cortex. Thach. During TMS1, we also determined the Stimulation Intensity needed to elicit MEPs with an amplitude of approximately 1 mV (SI1mV, Figure 2C). This work was supported by NIH grants R01 HD053793 and T32 HD007414-16. In the AG group, however, this relationship was absent. Deviation of gait in a stepping test has been proposed as a useful indicator of peripheral labyrinthine dysfunction. Visual receptive field organization and cortico-cortical connections of the lateral intraparietal area (area LIP) in the macaque. Before every reach, a red fixation cross appeared in a random location (constant across participants) within an invisible 10-cm zone centered on the target in the y dimension and centered at the participant's midline in the x dimension. Block and Bastian (2011) suggested that sensory weighting and realignment are biologically independent processes; although a robust correlation between the two occurred when participants compensated for a visuoproprioceptive misalignment without any explicit error feedback (with the lower-weighted modality realigning more), the relationship was absent when participants received feedback encouraging them to rely on vision. This suggests that TMS in the different groups did not affect movement time. The V target was a 12 × 12 mm white square, and the P target was the index finger of the left hand positioned on a tactile marker beneath the reaching surface (Figure 2B). Active force perception depends on cerebellar function. Grants and funding. Dr. Amy Bastian is the chief science officer at Kennedy Krieger Institute, a role in which she identifies and promotes new directions for breakthrough research into the developing brain, spinal cord, and musculoskeletal system. Independent mechanisms for ventriloquism and multisensory integration as revealed by theta-burst stimulation. Regional distribution of functions in parietal association area 7 of the monkey. Importantly, even when we performed the analysis with the two most extreme AG participants removed (Figure 4 coordinates [0.34, 48] and [0.58, −13]), weight and realignment were clearly unrelated (r = .04, p = .89), indicating that the lack of ΔŷP–wv correlation in AG is not because of the presence of outliers. . Rather, it is actively mediated by a third neural process whose substrate includes the region we disrupted. [Google Scholar] [1] From 2011 she has been a Professor of Neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University. Experimental Brain Research. She is also director of the Center for Movement Studies that studies the neural control of human movement. For this reason, it is unlikely that any effect of AG stimulation is because of nonspecific factors relating to skull thickness, such as the lateral position of AG relative to the control groups. The human homologue has similar properties (Grefkes & Fink, 2005). The first possibility (1) is that the two processes occur independently (Block & Bastian, 2011) and a correlation is found because the same environmental signals contribute to both computations. Relative contributions of balance and voluntary leg-coordination deficits to cerebellar gait ataxia. Sensory integration does not lead to sensory calibration. actors we used Google Scholar, where publications produced by scholars from all. P Celnik, NJ Paik, Y Vandermeeren, M Dimyan, LG Cohen. As in Block and Bastian (2011), participants sat at a reflected rear projection apparatus (Figure 2A) and reached with their right hand to visual (V), proprioceptive (P), or combined (VP) targets with no vision of either arm. For instance, neurons in monkey Area 7, a region thought to have a homologue in human superior parietal lobule (Husain & Nachev, 2007), integrate tactile and visual stimuli that overlap in space, responding more when the monkey can see its hand while manipulating objects (Graziano & Gross, 1993). This could account for the change in RMT over time (De Gennaro et al., 2007). Neuroplasticity is a CNS mechanism that enables successful learning. Depression of human corticospinal excitability induced by magnetic theta-burst stimulation: Evidence of rapid polarity-reversing metaplasticity. Bastian completed a B.S. Background. Hannah Block, Amy Bastian, Pablo Celnik; Virtual Lesion of Angular Gyrus Disrupts the Relationship between Visuoproprioceptive Weighting and Realignment. Blue lines represent position of V targets (and V component of VP targets) in the y dimension (in mm). Abstract. Movement speed was not restricted, and participants were permitted to make adjustments. To calculate weights, we relied on the fact that reaches to targets of different modalities are biased in different directions, even in the absence of a perturbation (e.g., Smeets, van den Dobbelsteen, de Grave, van Beers, & Brenner, We used performance on unimodal V and P targets during Adaptation to assess sensory realignment. Background: Handwriting skills, which are crucial for success in school, communication, and building children's self-esteem, have been observed to be poor in individuals with autism. There were no significant differences across groups over time, suggesting that cTBS did not affect V or P realignment differently in different groups. Exp Brain Res. (1996), in a PET study of prism adaptation, found activity in a region along the IPS in the angular gyrus while participants wearing prism goggles reached to visual targets on a touchsreen. 2012. Amy J. Bastian, Amy J. Bastian 1 The Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA. Base 2: A second baseline block (no visuoproprioceptive misalignment) to evaluate any changes in reaching behavior that resulted from cTBS. [PMC free article] [Google Scholar] Campbell WW. Although trihexyphenidyl is used clinically to treat both primary and secondary dystonia in children, limited evidence exists to support its effectiveness, particularly in dystonia secondary to dis. 4 Department of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21287, USA. George F. Wittenberg, Amy J. Bastian, Alexander W. Dromerick, W. Thomas Thach, and William J. The AG group had a trend of more variable V reach endpoints than Sham or Pz, including in the Base 1 block before cTBS was applied. When participants positioned their target finger on VP trials, the white square appeared when they were within 5 cm of the tactile marker; thus, participants briefly saw the V component moving consistently with the P component. The PPC has connections with motor cortex (e.g., Koch & Rothwell, 2009; Johnson, Ferraina, Bianchi, & Caminiti, 1996), subcortical motor structures like the cerebellum (e.g., Clower, West, Lynch, & Strick, 2001), and sensory areas such as somatosensory, visual, and auditory cortices (e.g., Lewis & van Essen, 2000; Andersen, Asanuma, Essick, & Siegel, 1990; Blatt, Andersen, & Stoner, 1990; see Andersen, Snyder, Bradley, & Xing, 1997, for a review). Individual and group results showed no significant effect on visual or proprioceptive realignment. Participants were instructed to look at the cross for the duration of the reach (so that V targets always appeared in the left visual field). 2012. Crowston, K., & Howison, J.. (2003). Posterior parietal cortex is thought to be involved in multisensory processes such as sensory weighting how much different modalities are represented in sensory integration and realignment recalibr. This site uses cookies. For instance, in a PET study of prism adaptation, Clower et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. Following standard procedure, we then assessed resting motor threshold (RMT), the minimum stimulation intensity needed to cause a motor-evoked potential (MEP) in resting first dorsal interosseus muscle, 5 times of 10 (Rossini et al., 1994). 252. (1996), we cannot be certain that this location coincides exactly with the location where that individual would experience an activation peak in the task used by Clower et al. Neurophysiological correlates of sleepiness: A combined TMS and EEG study. The two exceptions were both in the Pz group and had opposite effects; one relied more on vision after P trials, the other after V trials. ; Chief Investigator, Demonstration Project Grant, Round 1, Queensland Genomics Health Alliance, 2017-2019, $600,000, Whole genome sequencing to . So that cTBS would affect multisensory processes related to the left (target) hand, we entered the right-hemisphere version of the Talairach coordinates identified by Clower et al. Magnetic cerebellar stimulation. To determine whether cTBS had an effect on ΔŷV or ΔŷP, we performed a two-way ANOVA with factors Group and Modality. Dr. Bastian’s research uses computerized movement tracking techniques, non-invasive brain stimulation, novel devices and robotics to control walking and reaching movements. SH Scott, DA Winter. This hypothesis predicts that if that substrate includes the angular gyrus location studied here, then cTBS in the AG group should disrupt the weighting–realignment correlation (without specifically affecting weighting or realignment). When feeling is more important than seeing in sensorimotor adaptation. The main finding was that motor corrections during movements did not change adaptation rate, extent or after-effects in healthy controls or individuals with cerebellar damage. Senator from Minnesota, ex-prosecutor in Minneapolis) Richard Kogan (former CEO of Schering-Plough 1996-2003, board member of Colgate-Palmolive and The Bank of New York Mellon) Nicholas D. Kristof (New York Times columnist, Trilateral Commission member) Aspen Strategy Group member, Rhodes scholar) This makes it difficult to identify the neural bases of these processes. B Bastian, N Haslam. Bastian, Mariella, Mykola . She has coauthored over 100 scientific papers and numerous book chapters and served as chair of the Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Study Section at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). (1996) because that study used a task more similar to the one we developed to study sensory weighting and realignment (Block & Bastian, 2010, 2011). Found inside – Page 443Daily News , 1951-56 ; advt . copywriter Bastian - Blessing Co. , Chgo . , 1956-60 ... 1947-48 , U. Cin . , 1948-54 ; children - Lynn , Amy , Blaine . Google Scholar Thunström, Linda Jones Ritten, Chian Bastian, Christopher Minton, Elizabeth and Zhappassova, Dayana 2021. Participants were divided into three groups according to cTBS stimulation site (Table 1). Dr. Amy Bastian Cerebellar damage and proprioception Kennedy Krieger Institute, John Hopkins University. The functional organization of the intraparietal sulcus in humans and monkeys. Learn how and when to remove this template message, APTA- Eugene Michels New Investigator Award, Susanne Klein-Vogelbach Award for Research of Human Movement (Switzerland), Javits award from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. In 2015 Bastian was appointed Chief Science Officer at the Kennedy Krieger Institute To calculate visual realignment (Δ. Corticocortical connections of anatomically and physiologically defined subdivisions within the inferior parietal lobule. We used cTBS to focally decrease cortical excitability at the PPC coordinates described by Clower et al. Found inside – Page 46Home : 925 Park Ave New York NY 10028 BASTIAN , ( ROSE ) MARIE , banker ; b . ... Assn . Bank Women scholar , 1972. Mem . Am . Soc . The computational and neural basis of voluntary motor control and planning. Found inside – Page 551Vanderbilt U. Sch . Nursing , Nashville , 1990 Bart Cayce scholar , 1980 ; Gen. ... John Stephen and Betty Jean ( Oliver ) Bastian ; 1 child , Paul Edward . Additionally, activity in multisensory areas of the IPS and inferior parietal lobe is associated with congruent visual and tactile stimulation of the hand in humans (Beauchamp, Pasalar, & Ro, 2010). Infrared-emitting markers were placed on each index fingertip, and we used an Optotrak 3020 (Northern Digital) to record 3-D position data at 100 Hz. 2004. Found inside – Page 375... of Governors Dick Alexander Donald Hildre Amy Ardell Paul Kiesel Bruce A. ... to Become a “ Roads ” Scholar : Some Practical Tips on Pursuing an Action ... J Exerc Psychol 21: S78, 1999 . The clinical validation of the athlete sleep screening questionnaire: an instrument to identify athletes that need further sleep assessment. Found inside – Page 30The American Scholar , 1946-76 , Ency . Brit . ... 15 , 1952 ; children : Julie Susan , Amy Shael . ... Edward Charles Bastian , Nov. Found inside – Page 52Gov's scholar State of S.C. , 1964 . ... Loudonville NY 12211 Office : 8 Century Hill Dr Latham NY 12110 BASTIAN , JON ARNOLD , marketing consultant ; b . Show author details. Activity in the parietal area during visuomotor learning with optical rotation. Starting with a comprehensive generic reconstruction of human metabolism, Recon3D, we generated a high-quality, constraint-based, genome-scale, in . Google Scholar. Sensory prediction errors—discrepancies between expected . Amy Klobuchar (Democratic U.S. How does transcranial magnetic stimulation modify neuronal activity in the brain? Proprioceptive accuracy in two dimensions. Dr. For a typical participant, reach distance from start box to target location was around 14 cm. In general, participants tended to realign vision more than proprioception, but cTBS in different locations had no effect on either type of realignment. Differential cortical and subcortical activations in learning rotations and gains for reaching: A PET study. . Corticocortical connections of visual, sensorimotor, and multimodal processing areas in the parietal lobe of the macaque monkey. A bimodal map of space: Somatosensory receptive fields in the macaque putamen with corresponding visual receptive fields. (C) This Pz participant realigned proprioception 8.4 mm and vision 32.5 mm. It is unlikely that the group trend in endpoint variance affected our wv calculation, which relies on V and P endpoints being spatially distinct. Every participant was questioned at the end of the experiment about whether they felt the V component of VP targets was always on top of the P component. Vestibular signals of posterior parietal cortex neurons during active and passive head movements in macaque monkeys. Amy J. Bastian . It is unknown if this interaction is an emergent property of separate neural pathways for weighting and realignment or if it is actively mediated by a common substrate. Recent behavioral, anatomical, and neurophysiological findings related to these processes . When participants localize touch to different fingers, behavioral performance is significantly better when the touches are accompanied by congruent visual input, indicating multisensory integration (Pasalar, Ro, & Beauchamp, 2010). At the same time, our findings do not support the idea that this area is important for proprioceptive realignment, a possibility raised by Clower et al. Link | ISI Google Scholar; Maddox MD , Wulf G , Wright DL. The neural basis of this interaction is unknown, however. The International Journal of Robotics Research 25 (5-6), 509-525. Sensory reweighting in targeted reaching: Effects of conscious effort, error history, and target salience. 216, iss. Amy Bastian, Amy Bastian 1 Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD. Reprint requests should be sent to Pablo Celnik, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, 707 North Broadway- G04, Baltimore, MD 21205, or via e-mail: This was not significant (correlation r = .68, p = .8, regression R2 = .005). Likely, it is also the mechanism by which recovery after CNS lesioning is possible. The correlation between weight and proprioceptive realignment was 0.55, with p = .010 (Block & Bastian, 2011). 2007. 40. Room 236, Atwell Hall 453 W. 10th Ave. Columbus, OH 43210. VP targets represented the situation of interest, that is, the participant was estimating the position of his left (target) hand with both visual and proprioceptive estimates available. Zbib B, Henriques DYP, Cressman EK. II. Additionally, patients with lesions in PPC may experience complex multisensory deficits, such as neglect (lack of awareness of contralesional space) and optic ataxia (impairment in visually directed arm movements). Disruption of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex facilitates the consolidation of procedural skills. As a result, the specific aspects of handwriting in which . (1996) and found a specific disruption of the relationship between sensory weights and realignment without affecting either individual process. Modulation of phase durations, phase variations, and temporal coordination of the four limbs during quadrupedal split-belt locomotion in intact adult cats. At the beginning of each trial, a cursor was shown over the right fingertip so that participants could place it within the start box. The sample participants in Figure 3A–F illustrate that, although all three realigned similarly (Figure 3D–F), the AG participant had a high wv and the Sham and Pz participants had a low wv. We used a between-participant design rather than a crossover design because in a previous study, we found that participants who performed the behavioral task a second time on a different day were inconsistent in how much they weighted vision versus proprioception and how much they realigned proprioception. The reaching hand rested on a surface (bottom) below the mirror. Integration of proprioceptive and visual position-information: An experimentally supported model. Importantly, in both sham and Pz cTBS groups, we observed a strong relationship between weighting and realignment consistent with theory and previous results (Block & Bastian, 2011, 2012; Ghahramani et al., 1997), where the lower-weighted modality is realigned more. Importantly, the sham and midline parietal cTBS groups showed a strong correlation between the two processes, similar to what has been observed previously in healthy and cerebellar patients (Block & Bastian, 2011, 2012), where the lower-weighted modality is realigned more. Drew T, Jiang W, Kably B, Lavoie S. Role of the motor cortex in the control of visually triggered gait modifications . Yet the AG group, with a similar number of participants, did not have a significant correlation. Article PubMed Google Scholar 37. Future research will need to explore how best to treat movement difficulties that result from lesions in this brain area. Although sensory weighting and realignment can operate separately and are biologically independent (Block & Bastian, 2011), they can be correlated, with the lower-weighted modality realigning more (Block & Bastian, 2011; Ghahramani et al., 1997). 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