i regret having more than one child

Tell those nosy people to "bug off"! DH and I have DS who is nearly five. Don't feel that you have to save everyone.As long as your father is well taken care of and you do what you can,don't worry.As for your age I truly don't think it's a problem so long as you start and finish within the next two years. But we go to friends' houses and do stuff all the time. i don't think you're too old to have another child. i was happy with one. Our daughter will be 3 in April. So in the context of regret, am I more likely going to regret having a second or regret never going for one? Do what's best for your family, and don't worry about others' opinions. My husband was 56 when she was born! As my friends who have gone for the second child tell me, "two children is not the double of one, it is ten times one!" Besides, everyone else in your kids graduating class will have 60-ish parents! Found insideKids will watch it over and over * The entertaining way to learn water safety ... "Having a second child in order to give your first a sibling is fine — if ... I'm 37 and just had my first, so I will be in the same position as you. Children do ask for siblings...as your child grows...encourage peer relationships. It gives you a break from your day-to-day responsibilities and allows you to recharge. However, you have to do what feels right for you and your husband. (I think the same holds true if you have more than one) It is a decision that only you can make. I don't think you need to have any guilt about whatever you decide, you and your husband just need to do what feels right for YOUR family. (I'm the baby. Whether she’s right or wrong about your child’s behavior is sort of beside the point: a genuinely good friend doesn’t trash her friend’s parenting, doesn’t call the friend’s child a brat or the friend a slave, and doesn’t offer parenting advice unless asked for it. It sounds like it might be a good time to check into talking to a counselor about the things you mentioned. We just came back from a trip to Quebec City where she spent 5 days in a house with 6 other kids between 5 and 12. Just be very cautious about spoiling. A child is a blessing, but so are the parents who provide a healthy environment for their children. If I thought there was any hope for this friendship at this moment in your life, I’d suggest talking it all through on the phone (when someone else is attending to your daughter)—or writing a proper letter in which you take the time to tell her both how she’s hurt you and how much you love her and why. In cases where families have more than one child in this age range, these questions asked the parents focus on one of those children, either their oldest or youngest child in this age range (based on random assignment). We have heard things like, “You make such beautiful babies, you HAVE to have at least one more,” or, “I just can’t picture you having only one child.” I mostly just say that we are not even at the point of thinking about it yet, but that time is coming to a close. Any child can be a blessing. i was on bedrest from 15 weeks to 35 weeks. Since she moved away a year ago, we have texted daily, had monthly book club phone calls, and we’ve sporadically had a girls’ night phone call. I, too, got all the questions about when we were going to have another. All the other resons you put forth point to not having one. The tone is usually lighthearted, but the arguments range from defensive to arrogant. but if you didn't, you might say that you wish you had another one, but I'm sure you'd still be okay with the decision. Or will he go to daycare? it's your life that is forever affected in either way, do what's best for your family and no one else. I know that your decision is one that we'll have to make here in a very short time. You have so many responses, but I will still add my thoughts. Imagine, that other woman cannot have a child for unknown reasons but others can have a child. You obviously have a lot on your mind. Found insideHaving spent an entire career in law enforcement, I know all too well how society ... I always wanted to have more than one child because I did not want my ... Now it costs twice as much, and you can't do half of the stuff you probably want . My final note: You have done the hardest part. No, but be warned, with two kids at different stage of development, time to yourself wil shrivel into nothingness. She is always able to bring a friend on vacations, on outings and out to dinner with us. So well behaved, so smart. I've researched the "only child syndrome" myths and found them to be just that... myths. You'll never, ever regret giving your son or daughter a lifelong playmate . In your summary about yourself you have already admitted that the way things are now, you are overwhelmed at times. It's always been me and him, dad is not involved. It sounds as if you have already made your decision. More women than ever in the U.S. are making the choice to . As I read your question, it sounds like you are trying to justify your decision not to have another child. If you see it as a stressful thing you "ought" to do, then I think it is your obligation to yourself, your husband, your first child, and the world to be happy with your son and give him all you've got a a parent! when he starts asking for a brother or sister...what do i tell him? I agree that your husband is being silly—but so what? Do I have what it takes? Many only children make their friends or cousins into their "siblings", so you can still create wonderful sibling like experiences for her. The youngest boy was always a joy and I felt sorry that he missed out of the love of a brother, but he is a survivor and cultivated many friends along the way. Having said that, I think that the majority of par. But I KNOW it isn't going to be easy. They fought SO FUCKING MUCH. If life is full enough, just back to work, dealing with aging parents, one child is a blessing and you can leave it at that. Most importantly, we still have time to do our own things. I have lots of friends. B. It seems like only you can answer that. I tell my kids that God made our family perfect for us, and believe me, He knew my limits. You can talk with him about all the wonderful advantages only children have, like much, much, more of their parents attention (and how lucky he is to have 2 parents! It was great!!! You are smart to consider your age and finances. . Found insideThe psyche of a person is deeper than the deepest ocean. ... I might have more than one daughter who has been missing for seventy-five years, and you would ... I'm just trying to figure out if it's worth ruining my current situation for possible gain in the far off future. The problem with having one child We thought people would respect our choice but having an only child seems to be the one subject still open to discrimination. the only thing I can add to that is I was an only child (spoiled rotton) and had lots of friends. I'm in the same kind of boat right now. They say you don't just have "space" in your heart for more than one child, but that your heart actually grows with each baby…and it's true. But we should have known this period of relative calm wouldn't last long. I had the perfect child. If I didn't get pregnant like I did, I might have just asked to have my tubes tied or be put on birth control. In sum, I was happy with just one child, am grateful for my miracle daughter, think about my age and more so my husband's age all the time, but I am so, so happy! She knows what a dollar is and gto the mommy gene of what a real bargain is. The two of you are going to have to agree to disagree. Yet this happens, and more often than you might think, according to a recent article in The Atlantic. My x and I were pounded by people/society to have a second child, including my parents. Stats like these are enough to give anyone with even a marginal hesitation about becoming a parent nightmares. Your father is getting better care and more attention where he is than if you were chained to the house having to take care of him and your son. I believe the only reason to have another child is that you really really really want more children, and you are financially and emotionally in a position to manage it. this list of the top 10 things people who never want to have kids are going to regret: 1. If he's leaving the second child decision up to you, do what's in your heart. Social media provides one hub, from the 9,000-member Facebook group "I regret having children" (on which "Warren Chansky" posted: "I hated being a father and I don't like the people my . About the age issue, again, that's something you'd have to decide for yourself. so go to him and tell him that if you have another child, it's just as much his. But the journey to parenthood of one child was longer and more winding than one might think. 2) am i being selfish for not wanting all the responsibilities that comes with another child? Your child will be fine one way or the other. I used to be the "stand in" for when his friends were busy and since I provided 100% of our financial independence, it was more difficult being a one parent home. She is a little on the spoiled/selfish side at times, but she is fine. Oh I think nearly every parent if asked at exactly the right moment would answer: This is more than I expected, I am not sure I am doing the right thing or I am not sure I am cut out to have kids. Isabella Dutton, 57, says she wishes she had remained childless. I had my parents undevided attention, went on plenty of vacations, and was usually allowed to choose a friend to travel with, etc. Live your life with fun and family outings, who cares what 'they' say...NEVER LIVE FOR OTHERS!! No regrets. Thank you for having the courage to speak honestly. I would encourage you to find a way to engage your husband in the conversation as you'll both be parenting and taking on this responsibility. I loved being at home but also realized that I am just not the stay at home mom type. A lot of our friends have a second or third child, and so there are tons of things we do with our kid that they can't do because they have a baby in tow (trampoline park, restaurants, movies). When American parents older than 45 were asked in a 2013 Gallup poll how many kids they would have if they could "do it . Have sleep overs...get your child into sports and activities that surround him with other children. Take care and good luck! I try to just accept the fact that people are nosy. Of course they grow into adulthood, but in adolescence they have not been very good children. Is it worth it to take away the little free time that we have now for possible long term gain of having 2 children to nag on the phone when I'm retired? I was all prepared to be the mother of an only child until my marriage fell apart and now I am pregnant with my second. So, I really don't think being an only child has done her any lasting harm. Also, would you stay at home with this next child? It's just the time and effort are easily given with only one child to look after. It sounds like you already have your hands full. no, i don't think it's selfish at all. The pair of them antagonizing each other. Road trips, rainy days, etc. If YOU want to have another baby talk to your doctor about the medications you are taking and if it is safe. My kids have been in daycares since they were 6 wks old and they are just fine, and very smart, and very loved. You go from 2 against one (which leaves relief for one parent) to 2 kids against each parent. I am also a working mom. Don't feel guilty for not giving your son a sibling. /r/Parenting is the place to discuss the ins and out as well as ups and downs of child-rearing. Found inside“Do you ever regret only having one child? ... I know you wanted a son, but, apparently, this body of mine wasn't designed for more than one child. But hormones and sex change genital surgery couldn't solve the underlying issues driving my gender dysphoria. I encourage you to draw your husband back into the discussion. Now half of the 18.6 million families in the UK have just one child — predicted to be the majority family size by the end of the decade — compared to almost 1.2 million who have three or more. Least favorite is watching them fight. I think that you probably know in your heart whether you actually want another baby or whether you don't , but feel guilty due to the outside pressure our society places on us to "fit in" and have the perfect mommy, daddy, son and daughter life. I think that there will always be that question in your mind of "should I have had more kids" but people that have 2, 3 or more ask themselves the same thing! BTW, I noticed that you mentioned being overwhelmed at times. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Honestly, I also think that your husband having another child at 48/49/50 is not the best situation for a child. when I tell them we are done and happy with one. I have a sibling. Naturally trips like those will be much harder if not impossible if we have 2. Found insideEven women who are mothers may decide against having another child because of existing ... A 2002 study, titled 'Regret and Psychological Well-Being among ... I'm only 26 so I can not really relate to the age issue, but I wouldn't worry about being a senior when they graduate, or see that as a bad thing. and offer them another drink In my dreams, I imagined 2 kids. I don't know if you will regret having only one child but I will tell you this: I'm an only child and I'm FINE. Another child will certainly add stress on you that will not be good for you or your family. Ask him if he knows any children with single parents, with one, two, three, or no siblings, or kids who live with their grandparents. I babysit her four times a week. Have him some extra curricular activities so that he will learn some positive experiences in life. my husband will be in his 60s when the child graduates from high school! But we've now settled into a nice routine. Or you can tell him that with all of the other activities you have going on, you wanted him to get the attention he deserves. After that the guilt wore off and people stopped asking if I was going to have another, so it does get easier. I have all of the same questions as you when it comes to making the correct choice. 1. having a second does not ensure the two siblings will be and reamin best friends throughout their lives And I think those sacrifices are SO worth it! One of the big deciding factors early on was that once we got through potty training, getting dressed, feeding themselves, we didn't want to do it again. (their probably jealous you have only one)! Only have another child if you strongly feel that you want one. We both work and one child makes balancing a professional life manageable. Women who have had one child with Down syndrome have an increased chance of having another child with the condition. Yes, our son would like to have a play companion a bit more. It doesn't double or half the work since you already have one. my second pregnancy was much easier (didn't have to go on bedrest) and my recovery time was much faster. 3. finances are never a good reason to have or not to have a child - only the super rich would have them :) however, i believe i can give my child the best of everything (not everything she wants to make her a brat, just things such as better schools, traveling more often, etc) He did not have any children of his own and got married for the first time with me at age 51! You will have a lot of time to spend on one, the more children the less time for each. Taking care of a parent is a lot more emotionally wearing than taking care of a child. Stop worrying about what everyone else thinks. He always says he feels lucky to have had ONE healthy, intelligent, beautiful child. Spend as much time with your son as possible and enjoy him. I can't wait to read all your responses. God bless. Have another child if you want to. Sinead: I would defo have more, one on their own isn't fair, plus it's great having more than one and being surrounded by different personalities as they are all unique, plus I'd say its quite boring for the child being on their own. Having children is a wonderful gift to us by god. I’ll start from the bottom. I have been struggling with depression for which I recently started seeking treatment, much of which is related to how I feel about my performance as a parent, and I’ve been feeling much better about it lately—so to be criticized this way was particularly hurtful. I know it’s not easy to buck this kind of pressure, and it’s challenging to find ways to respond to people who insist you must have at least one other child. When your friends move into parenthood and you don't, there's no map for the terrain you move into instead. When I read your post, I thought I was reading about me. Have a question for Care and Feeding? At the same time I do think with everything I've been thru with my "rough and tough" 16 month old, I don't know if I want to do that with another. Don't listen to them, do what you want. Of course, very, very, very few people will "regret" a child; but a whole lot of people will find that their marriage suffers, the second child gets less attention than the first, finances are tougher, etc., with the additional . But you can! And once you and your husband decide, move forward. a toddler and a baby? You are blessed to have even one child in your life. The way I see it, I have more to give my daughter (time, finance, etc.). Having financial problems was the biggest issue with me and that was one of the main reasons I had a hard time deciding. Having another child does not solve any and all potential problems, as some people insinuate. Found insideInspire Your Child to Be Their Best Self Kelly Rippon ... As a single parent, I didn't have a partner to offer a second opinion. I would get sidetracked or ... Get sidetracked or... found inside – Page 134Another reason the children be... Let other people pressure you into having another child telling what they 're to! Slept in her own and got married and got married for the two of family... Up very introverted with implications that have been some really good about expenses! Class will have one-on-one time with your life with age 11 or younger is used to refer to who! Part of me his being one of my daughter has always worked and them. Me peace with my daughter is constantly asking for a little crazy,,! 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