Planting Spring Bulbs
Planting Spring bulbs Fall is the ideal time to plant spring blooming bulbs. They can be planted as late as November-December before the ground freezes. Temperatures 35-50F degrees for 8-12 weeks will give them time to…
Growing Gladiolus
Gladiolus also known as sword lilies are easy to grow, inexpensive and come in wide range of vivid colors. They are a striking addition to borders and flower beds and make great cut flowers for dramatic arrangements. How to grow gladiolus For best…
Forcing spring bulbs
Forcing Spring bulbs It’s nice to have a pot of blooming bulbs in the dead of winter to remind us of the promise spring yet to come. Many bulbs can be forced to grow indoors…
Calla Lilies
I live in northern Wisconsin, I would like to plant calla lily in clay pots and start them in the house in a south window ( 1 bulb per pot) Then place them outside. Is…