Grow cilantro
Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum) has glossy parsley-like foliage that at times makes it hard to tell the difference between parsley and cilantro at the produce market. All you need to do is smell the light pungent aroma, and you’ll know the difference.
Grow cilantro in light well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Sow the seeds outdoors in late spring after the last frost date. Plant in rows in the garden or a container, cover with 1/2″ of soil and keep moist for good germination. Avoid heavy nitrogen feedings for best flavor. In the garden, thin seedlings 4″ apart. For continued supply, repeat sowing every two weeks until the hot weather arrives. Cilantro will start to mature quickly (bolt) and go to seed in the hot temperatures of summer. It may self seed or you can re-sow seeds in late summer for an additional fall harvest. Cilantro will tolerate a light frost.
Harvest the parsley-like foliage regularly to keep the plant producing more leaves. Cut the plant 2″ above the soil line. In hot weather, cilantro will start to grow taller and produce feathery, upper foliage. This is an indication that it’s going to flower(bolt) and produce a round ribbed beige seeds. If left on the plant, they will reseed or can also be harvested as coriander. Stored them in a dark, airtight container.
Cilantro leaves are used in Mexican, Middle Eastern and Asian cuisine. Fresh leaves do not dry or freeze well. Stems are usually discarded but can be used to flavor soups and beans. The seeds known as coriander are used in baked goods, curry powder and liqueurs. The Egyptians thought it was an aphrodisiac and Greeks used it to flavor wine.
Can I Dry cilantro in a electric dehydrator ? I have bought cilantro flakes . Thank you
Hi I planted cilantro about a month ago.. Looks really good its doing fine.. I have a couple questions. So I can keep it nice..should I add water everyday. Do I have to keep on cutting it. Also for next spring will I have to re-plant seeds or will the still be there ?? Thanks
Got a cilantro plant for a fathers day gift. When I inspected it I found it had small black mite looking bugs all over the leaves and stems. They don’t move when your try and shake them and there’s so many. I also noticed that there were some very small worm like bugs on the plant as well but very few of these (which I picked off the plant). Not looking to save the plant if it’s too much work. Would rather start over.
I bought a cilantro, basil and oregano plant from a nursery up at my cottage and I planted them in a hanging pot and leave it hanging off my garage so it gets full sun. I water it daily and my cilantro and my oregano arent doing so well. The cilantro is really wilty and the leaves are all brown on the bottom. The basil is thriving. what am I doing wrong!
Hi I planted my cilantro from seed and it was doing nicely all green and pretty, then the leaves started getting a little bit of a yellow or lighter green tint with tiny maroon specks on the edges of the leaves. It is only about 2 inches tall right now. I had been watering every day, then backed off with the watering when I noticed the color change. It is also getting about 6 hours sunlight per day. I am not sure how much to water or if I stunted it’s growth by too much water. Any suggestion?
Thank you!
Hi I bought a cilantro plant from the store and moved it to a planter just last week. 5 days later, there are yellow spots on leaves now, is it some kind of disease?
Hi – My cilantro’s stems are black at the soil line — what does that mean?
I really have no green thumb~I just want cilantro! How do I reseed?
Another thing…I’m in the southern hemisphere, so it’s cold right now. I have my plant inside, but it’s cold inside too (40-50). Don’t know how that affects things.
Well…I stopped watering altogether for the time being and put the cilantro in the shade. It looks even worse than before. Is there any way to save it?
I have my cilantro plant in a morning sun/afternoon shade spot and it is looking wilty. Not exactly dead, but wilty. How do I save it? It is less than 2 inches high.
My cilantro just flowered. Should I yank the plant and start over or just cut it down to 2″ above the soil to get the best flavor?
Do the seeds of cilantro form by themselves or do they need outside help? I have a cilantro plant that I have been taking care of for about five months since late 2008. There are a lot of flowers, but there are no seeds.
This is Lupitas message translated;
Hello, one question, I bought a cilantro plant at the nursery and once I re-potted it, it survived for about 1 month, we even used it on some of our cookings etc. After a couple o days it started getting yellowish and the leaves are falling along with the stems. Also there are little white flowers comming out of the roots. Could you help me. The same thing happend to my brothers cilantro and now he has no cilantro plant. I really want to keep my plant. This herb is used alot here in Oaxaca Mx. for all sorts of cooking.
Thank you, talk to you all soon.
hola una pregunta fijate que compre una planta de cilantro en un invernadero,y ya que la trasplante a la maceta estuvo bien un mes si se puededecir,la usamos para cocinar etc, pero a cuestion de unos dias se ha puesto amarilla ,las hojas de caen junto con los tallos y ademas le estan saliendo unas plantas que salen de la misma raiz de los tallos del cilantro que tienen flores en la punta de color blanco,,,,me puedes ayudar y decirme que es porque a mi hermano le paso exactamente igual y su cilantro ya no exite desaparecio despues de que salieron esas plantitas del cilantro y la verdad quiero concervarlo,,porque aqui en oaxaca mexico se ocupa mucho en las comidas…..gracias..hasta pronto
Lo siento, e yo no hablo Espaniol, podria por favor, escribeme en Ingles.
Hola Lupita,
Cilantro es una hierba de corta vida que florecera cuando las temperaturas son mas calientes. Una vez que florece, produce semilla, para de crecer y termina. Para retardar el florecimiento cosecha las ojas regularmente. Corta la planta a 2 pulgadas sobre la tierra, esto forzara la planta a producir mas ojas. La mejor forma de crecer silantro es plantar las semilla cada 2 Semanas para que continue un florecimiento abundante durante la temporada. Cuando la riegues hazlo solo cuando la tierra lla esta seca. Si la tierra se mantiene mojada toodo el tiempo causara que la raiz se pudra causando que a planta muera prematurament.
I want to know how often do i water my cilantro plant ??
I planted my cilantro from seed. They grew up fine until 2.5-3 inch then they started to fall on the sides, as if the stem can’t support its own height. The new “cilantro-shaped” leaves (two so far on each plant) are healthy green.
Do you have any idea of what might be causing the problem of them falling on the side?
Thanks for the tip. My plant is adjusting nicely, but I this morning I found small black balls on a few of the leaves. What is it, and what should I do about it?
I bought a potted cilantro plant at the grocery store 2 days ago. I kept the plant in the original container (with holes in the bottom) but put it in a larger pot with dirt around it. It is sitting in a semi-sunny west facing window (the only option), and I have not let the soil dry out. A few of the leaves are already turning yellow. What should I do?