Winterize Mandevilla
Tips on how to preserve Mandevilla through the winter months. Mandevilla (Dipladena) are tropical vines, hardy (depending on cultivars) in zones 9-11. They tolerate a minimum temperature of 45-50 F at which time growth…
Bleeding Heart
BLEEDING HEART (Dicentra spectabilis) A native of Japan, this beautiful delicate perennial produces arching branches with sprays of dangling heart-shaped flowers that are pink with white tips or solid white. The plant will bloom in…
Hardy Mum
Hardy mum winter survival care tips I had saved my hardy chrysanthemums in their original plastic pots and put the potted plants into the ground to over-winter. Now, I want to remove the plants from…
How to harvest & store pumpkins
Harvest & store pumpkins and gourds Harvest your pumpkins when the vines are dry, and fruit is an even deep orange or characteristic color of the variety. The rind should be hard and not easily…
Butterfly garden
Butterfly garden plants Butterfly gardens are very popular because they attract an assortment of butterflies. The key to attracting butterflies is to provide them with plants where they can lay their eggs and feed on…