Aphids (Homoptera Aphididae) also known as plant lice are tiny (1/8″) soft bodied, oval to pear shape insects that come in green, pink, red, brown, black or dusty gray. The woolly apple aphid has a…
Animal repellents
Animal repellents Nothing is more frustrating than putting all that time and effort into planting only to find something had a feast at your expense. Sources tell me that repellents containing pure capsaicin derived from…
Bearded Iris
Bearded Iris ( Iris germanica) The tall sturdy flower stem can reach up to twenty eight inches or more. The flowers look like delicate crepe paper and velveteen surrounded by sword like blue green leaves….
Asian Lady Beetle
Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle Commonly called lady beetle, the Asian Lady beetle, Harmonia axyridis, was introduced from Japan as a biological control for tree-inhabiting aphids. It was initially released by the USDA in Louisiana and…
Spider mites on mini rose
Spider mite on mini rose I had a very severe infestation of spider mites on my miniature rosebush. One day I just noticed the plant was totally covered in webs and tiny bugs. I mean,…