Confederate Rose

I have recently purchased a Confederate Rose. My grandmother called it a Cotton Rose. I’d appreciate any information you can give me about this plant. Does it like full/partial sun? Mature height? My neighbor has two that are trees; can I train my potted bushy plant into a tree? If not, can you give me the estimated spread of the plant at maturity? All information you can give me would be so helpful. Thanks.

Confederate rose  (Hibiscus mutabilis) also referred to as Cotton Rose likes full sun, well-drained , slightly acid soil. It grows as a multi-branched shrub or a small deciduous tree with low branches which can get up to 12 feet tall and wide so allow room for expansion. Flowers bloom white and by evening turn into a shade of pink. You can have 3 distinct colors on the bush at the same time;  white, pale pink and deep pink .

Confederate rose can be invasive in warmer climates. It is hardy in zone 8-10 and will die back with the first hard freeze but return in spring getting larger each year. If you are growing it in a container it will be easy to maintain. To shape it into a tree, choose one large dominant branch and cut away all others.