Winter care of gladiolus
Gladiolus are hardy in zone 7 and up and can be left in the ground year round. In areas with deep frost, zone 6 or lower, they need to be lifted from the soil and stored for the winter. Dig up the corms before the first frost or when the tops die back. Remove browning foliage and trim it to 1/2 inch of the corm. Shake off the soil and let the remaining stubs dry for 1-2 weeks in a warm, ventilated area. Once cured, remove dried stubs, discard old corms and cormels (optional).
To prevent rot, dust the large new corms with a fungicide. Store the corms in a ventilated container such as paper/plastic mesh or cloth bag in a dark, dry, frost free place at 35-45 degrees. Cormels can also be stored and planted the following spring.
You can also drop a mothball in each bag of gladiolus to deter mice and kill overwintering thrips.
Thrip problem:
Winter storage
Soak the corms in hot water (160F) for 2-3 minutes and allow them to dry before storing. Or you can dust them with Carbaryl
Spring planting
Soak the corms for 6 hrs in a solution of 4 tsp. of Lysol to 1 gal of water before planting.
Hi everyone, terrible plant grower here…i purchased a pack of gladiolus bulbs at Wal-Mart this past late spring. Due to not having decided where I wanted to plant them, I planted them in small, appropriate sizes pots with potting soil. The first batch completely rotted away. The second batch I used topsoil and they grew long green leakage. Every bit of 4 feet tall. I gave them a half food stake.
Yet I essentially was looking at long leaves for a month. Then one day they all just turned brown-literally overnight. I worried I had bugs in the soil so I gently replanted and rinsed but never saw any signs of bugs. I kept the soil not dry, but not soaked etc. I had put them outside-but out of direct sunlight-for three days and they just died. I’m so disappointed and don’t quite understand what happened.
My Gladioli had just started to come out and had come few inches tall. Today accidentally the lawn movers trimmed the leaves little bit , will they grow up again or not
I planted some bulbs and some are growing and I did plant a few tip down will they grow upwards or so no have to start over
Hi Jamie
I would give up just yet. The bulbs may work their way above ground the long way.
I live in Alaska and will be planting gladioli for the first time. We usually start planting outdoors on June 1. I was considering planters — are 12-inch pots too small? If not, how many bulbs per planter? I have what look like little travel pillows that have the corms in them and supposedly you just put them in the ground and water and they’ll grow. Have you ever heard of these? Thanks for your help.
Will the gladiolus bulb die if the new sprout is accidentally broken off I dont expect flowers but will the bulb be able to produce flowers next year , the roots are healthy
I hope someone sees my question here.
This is the third year for 90 gladiola bulbs. The first year was AMAZING. The second year only about half of them grew. This year they are literally just starting to sprout.
Why would they be diminishing each year? Shouldn’t they be multiplying?
Should I take them up? Spread out the cormels? Should I loosen the soil (maybe it is too packed?) Should I mix in sand or loam or peat? (GA red clay here….) Should I take them out and let them ‘rest?’ Do I need to fertilize them with Epsom Salt water?
I LOVE the gorgeous blooms and want to enjoy more and more of them as they multiply … .not less and less each year until they are gone.
Any advice would be appreciated!
I hope someone sees my question here!
I planted about 90 Gladiolas and they have bloomed for two summers. This is the their third year and I see a few spears starting to come up all ready. (It is the second week of March.)
The first year it seemed MOST of the bulbs came up and produced the most gorgeous flowers. LOVE THEM!
The second year it seems like I only had about half of them come up at all.
Waiting to see how many come this year.
Is this because the soil is too hard? Maybe it is too much clay? (Georgia red clay) Do they fight with the grass? I assumed they would come up like Daffodils do ….. just about through anything!
I know I don’t have to dig them up here (zone 8) and I was expecting them to do nothing but multiply!
Should I loosen up the soil? Should I dig them up and separate the cormels? Should I dig them up now that they are starting to sprout up? Should I add more sand / peat / or something else to the soil? Do they get too much Nitrogen near the Bermuda grass? Should I use Epsom Salt water on them to fertilize?
Any advice is greatly appreciated! I LOVE them and I hate to see them dwindling away each year.
I moved into my house in Columbus, Ohio 6 years ago. After being here 4 years a number of Glads popped up. Some grew to four feet and were of several beautiful colors…yellow, pink, white, purple. Last fall I just left them in the ground, thinking that maybe they’d come up again. Well, wouldn’t you just know it, they’re back even more lovely than ever. All I do is water them. Go figure.
I was lucky enough to receive some lovely Glad corms for Mothers’ Day in May. I planned to plant them near Arnprior, Ontario (zone 5) but for several reasons I was not able to do so this spring.
I still have them and am now wondering if I should plant them anyway (July 17) to give them some time to get at least some sun and water before being stored for winter? OR should I just continue to store them in a dry basement until next year?
Hi Jennifer
If you continue to store them, they will dry up and not produce anything next year. I would take a chance and plant them.
Thanks in advance!
Seed pods on gladiolus
I have a question…..I pulled the dead blooms off my glads. Now there are green pods coming out of where the flowers were. What are these? I have tried to google the heck out of this and can not get an answer. PLEASE HELP!
Hi, Thanks for website… If I plant the bulbs I got on sale right now, July 1 will they still come up for this summer?
Hi. Happened upon your forum. This is great. I have just planted 150 glad bulbs. They are just sprouting out of the ground but the tips look yellowish instead of green. Could you tell me if this is bad? Overwatering or underwatering? I am just not sure how much glads need to be watered. I live in Utah, zone 5. Thanks.
I live in southern Ohio I just planted 40 glads I don’t really plan on digging them up I know the risk of killing them. What are some tips to minimize the possibility of them frezzing the package said to plant 6″ deep I got close on most but not all its a smallish bed next to my porch with a small layer of mulch will more mulch in the fall help there chance of survival. Reason I am not digging and storing is no space or correct conditions thanks and I pvd this site vary helpful
Glads Bloom time
Today, May 20 I planted my 60 Glads will they bloom before the end of summer?
Planting cormels
I have hundreds of little cormels that I kept when I dug up my corms in the fall – they are pea-sized to marble-sized. I know that they will not bloom this year, but I would like to let them grow so they can bloom in future years.. Would it be okay to plant these in a flat of soil, or is that not deep enough? The flat holds about 2 inches of soil, so the cormels would be planted about an inch deep.
Will late spring snow harm newly planted
gladiolus bulbs.?
I pulled my Glads last fall and put them in my basement in a box. i just went down to pull them out and noticed they started growing. The new growth is about a foot long. im not sure if should cut the green off or plant them as it with the greenery still on them. i have looked all over the web and cannot find an answer to my problem, please help out
thanks to all
Hi Cheri
I would plant them with them with the greens.
Which way up
I just planted my first Gladiolus a week ago, but I’m not sure if I planted them upside down or not. Should I dig them up to make sure they are the right way, or is it too late?
I live in southern Alberta zone 3-4.It is now nearing the end of Oct., we have had several frosts. My glads still have very green leaves.The ground is not frozen but in our area we often get snow before the ground freezes. I want to dig my glads. Should I leave the green tops to dry on the corms or should I cut them off?
Blooming cycle
I live in Costa Rica and have only wet season (8mos) and dry season (4mos). This was my first year planting gladiolas about 45 of 60 bloomed. In California, most years I just left them in the ground and of course they bloomed once a year. I am curious to know if Ken Edwards (notes in Feb /June 2011) has any experience with what the natural blooming cycle of gladiolas is if they are left in the ground in a warm climate with wet and dry seasons. Is it shorter? Like the 8 month cycle he experienced by drying and cooling his corms?
Dig up or leave them
I planted Glads here in Hawaii for the first time. Now the leaves are brown, do I dig them up or do I just leave them alone?
Hi I got a few stalks from my boss while they were on the verge of falling over and I want to keep the plant and put it in my yard next spring…how do I make them root and what do I give it to make it live! I’m new to all of this and its my very first plant. Its such a beautiful plant I just want to keep it. Help!
Shorter growing season
Hello – I live in Anchorage, Alaska and I planted about 30 corms in early May. They grew and finally started blooming. There are several spikes that have not yet begun to bloom, and we are just about down to 32 degrees at night now. I assume the freezing/frost will kill the plants, and I should dig the corms up now. It just feels so wrong because the plants are in mid-bloom. If I dig them up now (during their bloom cycle) will they still be OK to store and plant again next spring?
Thank you…
Dormant period needed
i have dug my gladiolus and separated the cormels i am wondering if it is possible to start them over the winter to give them a boost to the growing season, instead of storing them for winter and starting in spring?
Lifting glads early
I have a need to lift most glads while the tops are still green. What should i expect from doing this so early? Thanks.
What a great site. I planted glads for the first time and didn’t know what to do after they bloomed. Now I know how to take care of them. Since I live in Vancouver, WA (zone 7), I will try leaving them in the ground and hope for the best. Next summer will tell me if I have to dig them up and store. Thanks again for this site.
Hardy in CA
This year was the first time we planted gladiolus and they were beautiful. They are dry now. We live in warm, central California. What do I do with the gladiolus now that they are not so pretty. Do I cut them down, move them, or leave them where they are? I would like them to come back next year, if possible.
I’m so Glad I tripped into your glad web site! I have watched my own “first try” crop come up and bloom and delight us. They are tall, elegant, and quite brilliant. We’re new to this little bedraggled house and garden and so I tossed in wild flowers and they intermingled well, and, well fed, they were all clutching each other and chatting. Being from another country and learning as we go, it’s such a blessing to find you all and the chit chat too. Many thanks for the support.
HEllo This year was my 1st year planting gladiolus so i dont know what is going on with my gladiolus, they have all ready bloom and now their leaves are turning yellow and some of the plants are just dying i wonder if this is normal or is this a disease, if is this a disease what i can do about it? I have heard that once you have a sick gladiolus you should never plant another gladiolus in the same spot, so i wonder if for the next year I can plant some tulips, Daffodils and some iris, can the gladiolus disease infect the next year these plants?
This is my first year as a Gardener and I planted Charming Beauty Hardy Mini Gladiolus, Fire Glow, and Garnet Glow Calla Lily bulbs between June 13-17 The fire glow and garnet were planted 1 week after the Gladiolus and are already blooming. However, the Gladiolus aren’t blooming, but I did see one poking out last week, but turned yellow and haven’t seen it since. The Gladiolus are in an area were they get lots of sun. The Fire Glow and Garnet get more shade then the Gladiolus. I do have watering days which are Wed, Fri, and Sun, but I wanted to know, whether I should start watering the Gladiolus more frequently then my normal watering days.
Thank You!
shallow planting
This is my first year in attempting to grow some glads. I have planted a row and the plants all have produced 6-8″ leafs. Reading the guidelines on planting them I see that they are to be planted 2-4″ deep. I planted them about 1″ deep. Should i try to cover the corms with more soil and try to “hill” them or just leave them be.
Thank for your help.
Wrong location
This is my first year planting gladiolus from bulb. They are coming out of the ground nicely. I didn’t realize how tall they were going to be. I’d like to move them to the back of a flowering bed. Can I do this now before they start to flower or will that cause them not to bloom by moving them now? Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Seed pods
It looked like my glads are finished blooming for the season so I went out to cut the flower stalks. On many of the stalks I noticed what looked like buds near the dead flowers. Are they going to flower again?
I live in zone 5. Is it possible for me to get my glads to bloom by June 2nd and if so, how?
Weed wacked glads
Help! My husband accidentally weed whacked my glads! My question is will the stalks re-grow or are they done for? They were about 12″ tall & had not started to bud at all yet.
I live in Texas and have glads spread out in my front flower beds. There’s one here and there (about 10 total) just to fill gaps and add rich color. As the bottom flowers of each glad start to die I like to cut them and use them in a flower arrangement indoors. Where should I cut them so it doesn’t affect the growth or regrowth next year? I did this last year and cut them about 6in below the blooms, right before the leaves. It also seems we have alot more greenery around each one now? We have the same amount of blooms, just more of these long “blades” of greenery.
Tilting/leaning stems
my glad started growing good.. but they are titling over. can i dig they out while they are still sporting n replant them deeper?
Planting gladioluls
I just received some glads from a friend, the already have small green stalks starting on them, and I was wondering:
(1) Can I plant them in the ground like that?
(2) How far apart and how deep do I plant them?
(3) When will they start to grow and bloom?
I live in Sault Ste Marie,Ontario, Canada (I don’t know what zone Im in)
Thanks in advance for any help as Im new at the gardening
I live in upland Mexico. We don´t have any seasons (except dry and wet seasons) and we never measure time by seasons. The temperature ranges from 60 to 80 degrees F year round.
I would like to see if I could plant gladiolas at 7 month intervals.
Would this work? Say I plant on January 1 and they bloom in 3 months on April 1st (more or less). I let them strengthen for 3 months and dig them up on July 1st. I let them dry for one month and plant them again on August 1st. And then again on Mar 1st.
Do you think this might be practical? Thanks in advance Ken
Hi Ken
You can give it a try.
Regrowing glads
Hi, I tried it but I also stored the big bulbs in the refrigerator at about 6 C for 30 days. I then replanted and after the normal time they are sprouting!
Plant. 3 months to bloom. 3 months strengthen. 1 Month dry. 1 month cool. Plant again. Total 8 months.
Ken -You are SO LUCKY to have glads to enjoy for so long! -“Jealous in Louisiana”
Hortchat -thanks for the great site! -“Should be outside working”
Corm size
I live in zone 8b. When should I plant my gladiolus? Also, my corms are from last year and I would like to know if they have better flowers if the corm is bigger
Plant gladiolus
Hi Tracy,
Do what do I do if my gladiolus bulbs have starting grwing shoots? I hope they are getting spoiled like onions do what they start sprouting.
Any information on how to preserve them and when to plant them in Spring Season, would be of great help.
My gladiolus bulbs have already growing shoots(Nov 10, 2010). What do I do, just nip them off??? Please! Please I need information. I live in Ontario, Canada. Any information how to best preserve them will be most helpful.
Thanks in advance.
Plant cormels
I am in Massachusetts and dug up my gladioli for the winter. I’d like to grow the cormels as quickly as possible so i can get more gladioli. Can I leave the cormels, separated from the main corms, in an indoor pot with soil and fertilizer and expect them to grow and become bigger corms ready for planting outdoors in the spring?
New corms and cormels
Hi I dug up my bulbs today, the stalks were all dried but the leaves are still strong green on some of them, I am in michigan, is it to soon? should I put back in the ground and wait. and are the corms all those little small round things that are on the bottom of them? how many years do those take to bloom? Do I keep the big bulb also and replant? Thank you!
Glads not blooming
I live in Mass and planted glads over 6 yrs ago. I never dug them up and each year they came up strong and beautiful. This year all I got was green foliage, no flowers,no buds. I do the same thing every year and never had an issue. Should I dig them up and replant new ones or give them another chance? Thank-you
thank-you for the glad advice. I am glad to give them another chance. I am so proud of them and they have given me so many years of enjoyment. When should I dig them up amd replant? Should I remove all the foliage before I replant? Thank-you
Hi. I experimented for the first time planting bulbs and I decided to do Gladiolus. They are absolutely beautiful when they bloom but because I planted all at the same time, they bloom and die. What should I do when the flowers die? Do they come back again, do I cut the stalk and if so will they grow back again? Or do they come back next year.
I know you’re going to think this “strange”, but it’s true. I have 1 gladiola I planted 10 yrs. ago from a corm. I live in Northern Ohio right on the lake {zone 5}. I never knew you had to dig up the corm in the winter so I’ve always left it in the ground. The strange thing is the plant only gets a flower once every other year. The alternate year it’s a very high, large green leaf stalk. Do you know of any reason why this is happening? Also it is not near the lawn at all and it is in a well drained area. I don’t mulch {ever}, the beds where it is located either.
i planted my gladioli, all i have is a bunch of stalks and no flowers, the stalks are over 12 inches, when will the flowers bloom
If I get some glad bulbs on sale now and plant in July in zone 8 can I leave in ground over winter. How long does it take for a 6 to 8 CM bulb to bloom and how fast does a corm/bulb grow in zone 8? Thanks for any help here.
Grow in Cambodia
Hi there, I just bought some gladiolus bulbs from Italy to grow in my country, Cambodia (tropical country). Can gladiolus grow there?
Grow gladiolas in Philippines
hi vathana,
first time planting gladiolas in the philippines which is the same temp in Cambodia. My gladiolas are doing very well. When i planted them they all have green shoots already, reason was because i didn’t get a chance to plant them right away. i left them in the ventilated bag where i got them and finally when i opened after 3weeks, roots and green shoot were coming out already. i just let all the bulbs sit in a little bit of water to enough to cover the roots and watched the green shoots grow, then finally planted them when the shoots were about 3inches. They are now blooming only after 60days. i’m going to plant more next year….I PLANTED THOSE END OF MARCH
Good luck
Bloom time
Hi! I am in chicago and planted gladiola bulbs in pots towards end of March / early April. While the plants have excellent green leaves, which came very quickly – till now, there are no signs of blooms or buds even. On the advice of the store, I put in a sprinkling of ‘Miracle Grow” fertilizer at the base of the bulbs. It does not look like they have thrips, and they are in good sun. Could it be the fertilizer or do they bloom late?
Hi, I have a question. I’ve had a lot of glad bulbs that we’ve planted and dug up every year, and gotten beautiful blooms. It’s almost time now to plant them again, but unfortunately, we just found out that we’re moving to Alaska in August. Can our bulbs be kept in storage for more than just over one winter? We would be back not next summer, but the following. I just can’t bear to think of planting them all and then not digging them up this September. And we have so many of them. Also, we live in Zone 4, where it’s not really possible to leave them in the ground over winter.
I planted my glad bulbs about 4 weeks ago. I have noticed you tell everyone it takes about 90 days before blooming, but I’m curious to know how long it takes for them to just pop up out of the ground. I live in southern Arkansas if that information will help any.
Grow glads in mulch
I have some Gladiola bulbs and I wondered if I could plant them in straight mulch? I have a wonderful flowerbed that I have filled in with mulch and wanted to plant my bulbs in there. Will they grow?? Thanks!!!
Hi, we live in Southern Ontario and planted Glads last year. They all grew well, perfect height and flower bud development, but as the flowers began to open they would only develope to about half open and then began to wilt or stop opening all together. Each plant reacted identically this way began to open and flower then stopped and wilted with none at all every opening properly. The soil conditions seemed to be in good order, and we had almost perfect rain conditions the entire summer. Could this be a result of the thrips infestion that I have seen spoken of?. Or could it be to other conditons we are unaware of?. The flowers as well all opened facing to the east of the garden and towards the back side of the plant rather than facing the front of the garden. The garden runs along a fence but the plants are a good three feet out from the fence could this be a result of heat and light reflection off of the fence by chance?. Any suggestions you may have in these regards we would be most grateful to hear. thanks.
Planting time
I live in Columbus Ohio and just bought 80 bulbs. I read on the barrel at the store that
these can take 10 weeks to sprout. If this is the case then if I plant them around April 1st they should start sprouting close to the second week of June. Is this true? I have never used this kind of flower before. I don’t want to plant too early but would like to see some blooms the end of june first of july.
Glad hardy zone
I live in the Seattle area and am planting gladiolus for the first time. Can they winter over in the ground in this area or do I need to dig them up. If I plant some in containers, can I leave them in the soil, in the containers,placed in the garage for the winter or do they also need to be dug up? Thanks for the help.
i planted my glads about 4 1/2 inches deep. do you think it is too shallow since the corms form on top of old ones?also, they are about 7 inches tall and have one leaf, do more leaves come out of the thick sections?
Planting to bloom
My glads have sprouted now in about how long will I see blooms
Color change in glads
Very perplexed…. Years of successful glads have now changed from an array of beautiful colors to mostly yellow. What has happened to the wonderful rainbow of color that we have enjoyed for so many years (20)Have they seen there peak or is it something else ? ? ?
I just planted my glads in how long will I see sprouts
Winter glad care in warm climates
I purchased, last July, 10000 gladiolus corms from Holland and planted them in Beirut – Lebanon; I harvested around only 4000 flowered stems after 3 months, all the remaining were only green leaves. Here the temperature never falls below 0 Celsius in winter. For this reason I think the green leaves won’t die, so what I am supposed to do if I want to prepare for a good flowering season?
P.s. the corms were not small but 10/12 and 14/16.
Bloom time for gladilolus
Need some advise please !!! I live on the central coast of CA. Very mild climate. I want to know when would be the best time for me to begin planting my Glads, so they are
blooming by Memorial weekend so my 94 yr old Grandmother has plenty to take to the cemetery. Thanks Patti
Separating new and old corms
We have had a VERY wet fall here in Vermont. I dug up my glads about 1 month ago and left them in a warmish basement with the dead foliage still attached spread out to dry. They were quite muddy when I dug them up. The mud is dry and has fallen off. Today I was breaking off the stems and the old corms. My question is, can I break off the old corm too early? The bulbs are very firm, and when I break off the old corm, it looks like a hard moist cream colored bulb where the old corm was still attached. Is that OK? I did it with a few last week and the bulbs still seem firm. I then plan to put them in a root cellar we have that kept them very well last winter. (I did this with glads that I have about 50 of the same color and am waiting on the other color ones till I hear from you. I hope I have not messed them up!
I think I may have killed off all my corms! To begin with, I dug them up very late (yesterday). I’m in Michigan, so the ground was already very hard at least an inch down when I was digging them out. They all looked really good, and I was excited to see how so many of them had two and three new-growth corms on them. After preparing the cormels, I got distracted and left all my corms (80+) outside!! The temperature dropped below 30 degrees last night. When I realized I had left them out, I was so sad, but decided to try and save them anyway. I rinsed them all, and they are now in my basement on cooling racks (the ones used for baking).
I did see the response about cutting one open and checking the inside, and I will do that with a few of them, but I’m wondering if I should even bother trying to store them at this point. They were so beautiful this summer and I’m so mad at myself for having left them outside last night!
Thanks for your advice.
Planting cormels
Can the new cormels be planted inside to help them grow? would they be plantable the next year?
Hardy zone for glads
I live in Arkansas and planted glads for the first time this year and they did ok, although not alot of flowers. I love them but have decided I want to move them to a different location. I can dig up and move now (Sept) or do I have to dig up and store the bulbs? What’s the worst thing you can do to bulbs when you are storing them?
Glad seeds
Hello…I planted my gladiolus, they grew, and now they are not blooming, i have noticed that where the flowers were at it is growing something, but not sure what. I’m not certain if I have to cut it..and if I do, where do i have to cut it…how far from the ground should I cut the stem?…Thank you I appreciate your help!
Seed capsules
Hello – will flowers bloom again from these seed capsules? I just planted my first batch of gladiolus this past Spring and they’ve all bloomed beautifully. Now that the flowers have died, these buds or seed capsules have appeared. Does this mean they will bloom again soon? Does each gladioli bulb bloom just once per year? I live in Southern California – zone 9. Thanks.
Any suggestions to make the dying leaves less unattractive in my garden? It is August in zone 6 here, and all the yard high leaves are laying on the ground and are brown at the bottom. I had beautiful flowers a few weeks back. Thank you.
Grow Glads from seed
Can glads be grown from seed? If so how?
after my gladiolus blooms die, should i pull off the dead blooms or cut the stalk?
I purchased gladioli bulbs last winter and kept them in my basement. When I took them out, they looked very dried out, possibly dead. A friend told me to soak them in water for a day or two – is there any want to tell if the bulb is dead?
Planting gladiolus
I just purchased a large bag of Gladioli bulbs and have been told to plant them in 2 week intervals so that I will have blooms all summer long. Has anyone ever done this? I have a bed in the front of my house that I was going to dedicate only to these plants. Does anyone know how far apart they should be planted? I have 100 bulbs total.
I live in southwestern Ohio and I want to plant a large whiskey barrel ( well dried out of whiskey ) of gladiolus, is this possible?
If you use a full barrel you could try filling the barrel with soil only to about 3/4 full. Then the stems of the glads would effectively be supported by the sides of the barrel. It would look like there were flowers pouring out of the top!
Hardy glads?
We planted glads about 4 years ago and have left them in the ground and they continue to flower each year.We live in central Ontario were the temp can drop close to -40. Have we just been lucky or do we have temp resistant variety?
Planting gladiolus
Hi, Just today i bought gladiola bulbs in a mesh bag. They look like small onions.They are in a mesh bag. We live in chicago. Could you tell me when should i plant these bulbs outside ? Can i just take these and plant them as directions on the bag say ? Do i need to do something else before or planting them into the ground. Please help, this is the first time i am working with bulbs. Thanks alot.
Bloom time from planting
Glads from retail; store, number of day’s planting to flower
Plant to bloom time
I live in southern Missouri. I want to plant Glads inside in pots so they will be in bloom by June 20. When do I need to plant the pots?
Biological control
I love the way glads fill in ‘holes’ throughout my garden and plant many late spring thru early summer. Is there some way of orienting the bulb so that the flowers blown on a particular side of the stalk? Invariably, I’ll have several that bloom facing a wall or my neighbor’s fence (lucky for him I guess) Also, this year I had a thrip investation for the first time. I plan on following your tips for preventing over-wintering of the nasty little things. I’ve heard that lacewings and/or planting alyssum are effective bio-controls. What is your opinion? Thanks!!
Try this site
Leaning Glads
My Glads are doing fine and flowering nicely
but want to lean and tip over, can you tell
me why.
I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I have no experience planting bulbs, but I ordered some before spring hoping to make it a learning experience with my kids. Unfortunately, they arrived late and I wasn’t able to plant at that time. I have Gladiolus Mix, Freesias Mix, and Windflower Mix (Anemone De Cean). Can they still be planted now or is there something I can do to preserve them for planting next spring?
Short bloom time
My Gladiolus have blooms but they only last a five days and die . Do they suppose to do that or do they suppose to continue to bloom the whole summer. How can I get to bloom continue to bloom.
I want to dig up all the gladiolus bulbs I planted this year over 40 and put them in another place where it won’t matter when the plant doesn’t look so good. Do I wait for the green stalks to die out? The flowers are done. They could’ve stayed in the ground until next year if I’d chosen a better spot. Do I plant them now in their new spot or wait until next spring? I live in Southern California.
Insect problem
My gladiolus are about a foot high now and I am noticing holes in the some of the leaves. Some leaves have fallen over because of this. I can’t see any kind of bugs. What might be causing this?
Gladiolus Thrips
hi. i have grown glads for many years. this year my glads look dry and they are all wilting when it is time for them to open. we had a dry spring/early summer, but i watered them often. about 200 corms, some new this year, and all are the same way. any ideas? thanks
Cut flower care
Anything I can add to the water to make the blossoms last longer after cutting and making a bouquet. I hear peroxide, also something sweet like 7-up or such. Thank you.
No blooms
I planted gladiola bulbs last year and the green stalks came up with no problem. However, there were never any blooms. Again this year, they all have green stalks, but no blooms! Help!
April 11 in NY – I checked the bulbs I had dug up and put away for winter. Guess I did not dry them out sufficiently, and now they have about 1 foot long white leaf? growth. What can I do? Any chance to save this batch?
Do I need to cut back my gladioli for winter, or dig them up? I live in upstate NY, where winter temps can hover in the 20’s.
Do you cut gladiola stock before winter or in the spring?