
Mandevilla care and tips

Mandevilla belongs to a large family that also includes plants that were formerly known as Dipladenia. It was named after a British diplomat/gardener Henry Mandeville. This exotic plant bears trumpet shaped flowers in shades of pink, yellow and white (some fragrant) on twining vines with puckered, oval leaves.


This tropical plant is hardy (depending on cultivars) in zones 9-11 and is for the most part of the U.S. treated as a houseplant. It is grown outdoors for the summer and in colder regions taken indoors to endure the winter.


Mandevilla is cold sensitive and can be taken outdoors after the danger of frost has passed and night time temperatures are over 50ºF. It prefers full sun to part shade in the summer and a deep rich, well-drained soil.

It will also need a trellis to support its long trailing vines. Provide plenty of water during the hot days of summer. To keep a healthy blooming plant, feed it every other week with a high phosphorus fertilizer (10-20-10) in the spring and summer. In order to maintain the tangled growth during the season, pinch off new shoot tips which will produce a bushier plant. Trimming will not reduce flowering as it blooms on new growth.

Mandevilla can be started from seed at temperatures of 70-80ºF. A faster way is to take cuttings in the spring and summer which will root and develop new plants. More info on how to Propagate Mandevilla.

Watch out for mealybugs, scales, whitefllies and red spider mites.

More info on Winterover mandevilla – Deer & Rabbit Repellent

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