Trumpet vine
I have 2 trumpet vines, planted last year. This year there were only a few flowers on one and none on the other. Am I supposed to cut them back in the fall or spring?
Trumpet vine, Campsis radicans is a fast growing vine and sometimes considered invasive in warmer climates. Once established, it spreads by underground runners and seeds and can be difficult to control.
For best bloom plant in full/part sun, well drained soil, low moisture and no fertilizer. If it doesn’t bloom well, chances are that you are pampering it too much.
Prune the vine in early spring to shorten and remove dead wood. To control aggressive growth cut it back to the ground and it should resprout. The orange tubular flowers are produced on current seasons growth and attract hummingbirds and bees.
All parts of this plant are poisonous and care should be taken when handling the plant as some can get a skin reaction to the foliage.
Trumpet vine is hardy in USDA zones 4-9.
I have a mature (10+ years old), well-established trumpet vine that has thrived and bloomed beautifully over the years. This year appeared to be no different–there was a lot of new growth and all appeared as usual. However, we noticed that the buds appeared but never bloomed….they died right there on the vine. I noticed a little bit of leaf minor on a few leaves and, when I saw few, I mean few. The plant appears healthy in all other respects….no mildew, no aphids, no bugs of any sort that I can see. I am concerned that it has something systemic going on. Any ideas?
It all depends upon where you are living and how horrid your summer has been. Here, in Chicago, we had a cold and very wet Spring; planting was delayed into the LAST week of June, vs. mid May. The three trumpet vines I maintain in my business have ALL suffered this year: blooming 6 weeks later than they should; reduced blooms; yellowing growth. There are NO pests and diseases; they seem to be responding to the excessively cold and wet Spring and now 100+ degree days in July, followed by record breaking monsoons this past week. I’m losing entire bud chains on the plants that have never even opened. Honestly, a plant can only take “so much”, whether it’s a touch little bugger like a Trumpet Vine or a delicate hydrangea. Have faith that if next year is back to normal in your area, they will rally back into wellness.
Thanks for the comment!
I have several Trumpet vines. I found that you need ants to open the blooms (much like a peony).
Ants are attracted to the flowers.
Jane I am having the same problem. Have you figured out what was, is causing this
Hi. Enjoyed reading many of the questions/comments. Maybe this was mentioned, didn’t see it. Had someone tell me today that if you transplant trumpet vine while it or the parent vine is blooming, it will never bloom. True or false? Also, my husband brought home three starts today, i want basically single plants so therefore I need to plant them in a bottomless 5gal bucket? We are putting them on the poles of our pergola. The pergola is on the front of the house and I don’t want TV all over the place. Just up the poles and over the top. Question: what about the roof? It’s about 10′ to the shingles. Keep it cut back from the gutter/shingles or simply ditch the TV idea and plant grapevine? Thank you!!
Hi Debbie: the other responder is correct–nurseries sell Trumpet Vines in bloon all the time, in fact, THOSE are the plants you want to look for when buying one! I won’t even credit that rumor you heard by calling it “An Old Wive’s Tale”; old wives know better! LOL
Leaf spot disease
We have a well established trumpet vine on a chain link fence, probably 30-40 years old. We have a number of buds and blooms already, but a good number of leaves have purple spots all over. Some do not. In addition, there has been a recent and significant leaf drop. We have had a very wet Spring in Pennsylvania. It appears from what I have read here, that his may be a fungi problem that will take care of itself if things dry out? Is there a product that we should apply to the leaves? Thank you.
I have a orange trumpet vine that is about 30 years old. The neighboor did not know what it was an took an ax to it. Should I be worried, that it might not come back next year. The vines were growing in my locust trees They were living in harmony, until now.
poisonous vine
I have a large hummingbird vine growing on my fence around my home. I was wondering…if my 100lb chocolate lab nibbled on it would it cause her to get sick? Would it soon be out of her system?? please help
I have three trumpet vines and all blooming – on one of them the flowers won’t open after several days – they stop after forming a 3″ orangr bud – they don’t fall off they just don’t open into the trumpet – what do you sggest?
I have a trumpet vine that is well established but this year the leaves are very curled and dry. Is this a insect in the root system. The vine is in the tree line of our yard and gets lots of afternoon sunshine. Help!
Spider mites
My orange trumpet vine was doing great until about a month ago. Since then webs started appearing on the leaves and soon spread all over the plant; look like spider webs. Can’t find any spiders though. The leaves are losing their greenness and they eventually fall off. Do I need an insecticide or what?
I have 3 questions after reading all Q & As here. We have well-establish, 13 yr old, red trumpets along a shared fence with a neighbor (mother plants on their side). They’ve been easy to control and bloom wonderfully every year. In the last 3 years neighbors trained them to climb a gazebo, and last year we began training one to climb an arbor. 1) Not sure if we’re working off the same plant, but for the first time the vine that was wound through the fence closest to the mother plant we’re using just expanded by at least 3-4x it’s size and is SIGNIFICANTLY deforming the fence. Is this because the branches are no longer being cut back annually to the fence-line on either side? 2) In addition, that mother has lots of dead wood where maturity has allowed it to thicken and “knot” over the years along the top of the fence. Is it sick? 3) There is still green sprouting on some ends. And a couple vines have twisted tightly through our arbor, but they look totally dead–brown and no tiny nubs at the joints. Are these going to be just late to bloom (even given the perceived distress of the mother), or does last year’s new growth sometimes die off before leafing out. I’m perplexed as to where/if to prune it! What can you tell me about brown vs. greenish (both w/o leafing) branches when pruning in the spring? Thanks! Sharon
Control spreading vine
I have a beautiful 8 year old trumpet vine growing over a pergola by our house. It’s the highlight of the summer seeing it in full bloom. I began to investigate how to take care of the sprouts that are starting to show up and now after reading about the invasive qualities of the vine I am terrified. The thought of cutting it down is making me sick since I do love it so much. Is there anything I can do to control the underground growth or at least encourage it to grow away from the foundation?
My trumpet vine has been in the ground for about 40 years. It is a very well established plant with loads of flowers every year. I keep trimming it back every year but would like to know how far I can cut the trunk back. I don’t want to kill the plant. The hummingbird love it!
Prune old mature growth by 1/3-1/2. Even if you cut it down to the ground it will sprout from the ground around it.
My trumpet vine or bush is established and was just leafing out, we had a fairly hard freeze and the leaves are black and drying up. Will it come back this year and bloom like normal.
Trumpet vine hardiness
Hi ,I’ve purchased two trumpet vines,due to come in April in the mail…I live in northern Alberta canada.I’m wondering if it will survive our winters as we are a zone 2b or 3.
In all the years I had my Trumpet Vine – about 12, not once did it come up anywhere else! Your neighbor’s vine certainly must have loved where it was originally placed Panther. I honestly think mine was a very slow grower and didn’t get out of hand because it was planted North/West and had howling winds off the lake most of the time! Now I feel for the poor thing……
Hi Jan
Trumpet vine can be better controlled in colder climates than in warmer areas. The winter freeze keeps the plant under control.
Eradicate trumpet vine
My neighbor has a Trumpet Vine that he purposely wove in and out of my chain link fence to give it something to grow up. He did this before I bought the house. Now the vine is getting so big in diameter that it is distorting and ruining my fence. It stands 12′ tall, with 3-4″ stocks and a 18″ diameter base. It sends suckers into my gravel driveway, and litters my yard with seed pods and dead flowers. It blocks my view of the road when trying to back out of my driveway. We have tried to kill this plant year after year, with no success. Is there a good time to cut it down when it would shock it enough to kill it? We live in a zone 5. I’ve tried straight round up, and other woody killers, but nothing has worked. I’ve even tried an over-dose of copper. Is salt my only option?
Invasive warning
Just a followup to my post above, to let others know just how difficult this plant is to remove.
I have been treating the sprouts with Roundup or PoisonIvy/shrub killer for nearly 3 years now. The original plant is long gone, but the roots are NOT killed by the herbicide–they just change direction, extend farther and put up more shoots. I am now fighting it 25 feet away from the original plant, and all the way back to the original site. The roots are large and anywhere from 1 to 3 feet underground extending in all directions. Any little bit of root left when you try to dig it up will grow.
You must be VERY sure that you will be wanting to put in the time and effort to control this vine; those of you fretting that yours isn’t growing or blooming–so did I the first 2 years–all its growth was underground developing a massive root! NEVER plant it within 50 feet of any structure (house, pool, etc) that you don’t want damaged. Mine invaded my neighbor’s garage roof before I cut it down. I worry that the roots are going under the foundation.
I planted a trumpet gone several years ago and decided to move it. It came up again in the same spot. Dug it out again and transplanted it on another spot. It can up again. Gave up. Now just now it and weed eat it.
Planting seed capsules
I was visiting a friend and after I commented on her trumpet vine she got a bag and picked several of the long, green pods. Now what do I do with them? I live in central Ohio and also have property in central Florida.
Purple leaves
is there anyone out there willing to look at a photo of my trumpet vine.
too much water, not enough?
i am very confused
the leaves are almost purple.
i just transplanted them to sunny La an i have blooms on one, but the other 3 are not doing as well.
My vine is about 3 yrs old and has bloomed wonderful this yr. It runs up a lightpost,about 10ft high, but still the vines are dragging on the ground, which causes problems mowing. At what time of yr can I cut it back to train and shape it to grow?
I have seen some that have been cut to look like small trees, but am afraid if I do that in the spring that I will lose the blooms since they are all at the end of the vines.
Ants on trumpet vine
I live in southeast Michigan. My neighbor planted a trumpet vine a few years ago on an inexpensive wood lattice secured to our shared cyclone fence. The vine grew more on my side of the fence than hers so my husband put up wire to form an arch into our yard and now its the most talked about beautiful vine in my garden. It has masses of orange blooms every single year. Since the plant started on my neighbors side I do nothing to it except cut out the dead wood on my side of the fence in the spring but only dead wood that has no new growth on it. I too have big black ants all over it every year and didn’t know they were beneficial to the vine until reading blogs. My husband had already put poison around our foundation to keep the ants out of the house. Never again!
I have a trumpet vine that is about 7 years old and we are moving the trellis that it is growing on to put a fence up. If I cut the main root all the way to the ground, how long will it take to grow back? It is just now starting to bloom, so would it still be ok to cut it now or should I wait?
Changed to yellow
I have a Trumpet Vine that is approx. 4 years old. It has always bloomed profusely and never any problems. Last year I was not able to trim it back and it seemed to go “wild”. The flower color is supposed to be a burgundy and yellow; big, beauful flowering. This year before I could trim it back the flowers had turned to small, yellow ones; not at all attractive. Is there any way to bring back the original colors and bloom size?
The problem with my trumpet vine this year is that the buds dropped off without ever blooming. There were thousands of them and very few flowers. It has bloomed magnificently the last 3 or 4 years. I don’t do anything to it – no water or fertilizer. Roundup has been sprayed on some of the runners nearby. We had lots of snow during the winter and a wet spring then a drought. I see wild ones on the roadside around here blooming prolificly. I don’t prune it. We sure hope it comes back good next year.
Jill ,
I’ve got this same problem. Buds grow and then die. 2nd year it’s happened, I too sprayed round up near and on some “under ground runner shoots”. Are you having success this summer without spraying the round up?
I live in New York and have had my trumpet vine for four years now and although it didn’t bloom the first year, it bloomed profusely the next two year. Not knowing that I was not suppose to fertilize it, I put coffee grounds (nitrogen) on the dirt around it’s base. When it didn’t bloom this year, I added Miracle Grow Bloom Booster. Is there anything I can do to salvage this season and get it to bloom?
Thanks for the advice. It’s now mid August and my Trumpet Vine is FULL of beautiful blooms now
Eradicate trumpet vine
I have been trying to eradicate my trumpet vine for 2.5 YEARS. That is when I cut it down after noticing that it was sending shoots up several feet away. Since then I have been treating new shoots every week or so with roundup. Zone 5 winters have not slowed it down either (as some replies above seem to suggest). It continues to spread although dead at the original stem. Do you have any ideas how to kill the highly invasive and widely STILL spreading root system?
I planted two trumpet vines on May 23rd in Wisconsin. On June 5th they looked dead. The branches were all breaking off and the leaves all fell off. Is this normal, or is this something that I should notify the garden shop about to try and exchange them for new ones? Could this be something bug related? I have sprayed them with a rose and flower spray so the bugs don’t eat it. They are planted in a well sunlight areas. We’ve had a lot of rain lately, so I would think they’d start growing, but I know they sometimes sulk after transplanting from a pot right? I just want to know if they are going to get better or if I should get new ones.
Thanks for your input. I think I might contact the nursery tomorrow. I have pictures I can show them from when I planted to now and then they can let me know if they think they will get better, otherwise I’ll exchange them for better ones.
June 27th, 2010
I went to the nursery and they said it looked like rabbits were eating them. She also said with all the rain we’ve had, they might have gotten too moist and not enough sun. I bought some Shot Gun Repel-All to spray on them to keep the rabbits away. One of them is starting to look better, hopefully the other one will start to grow again too. I have until October to return them to the store.
Insect? on trumpet vine
My trumpet vine is in its 3rd year and, this season, in its 2nd week of blooming. I notice that the clusters of buds are attended by as many as half a dozen 6-legged crawling bugs that look like ticks, except that they are fattish and easily squashed. They move fairly quickly and jerkily and reminded me of the way some species of spiders move. They do not fly. They seem to impede the bloom cycle; garbonzo-sized buds easily shake off the vine.
Any thoughts?
Thanks for your time.
Ok, I planted a trumpet vine 15 years ago. I have never had a flower. This year one stem has buds. It is 12 feet in height and receives full to part sun about 6 hours. I was about to give up but it has grown more this year than any previous year. I have seen others in the neighborhood receiving less sun than mine and growing wild. Can I expect more flowers in the future?
I have two beautiful trumpet vines on a pergola in my backyard. Every year they produce tremendous foliage and flowers. This year one completely stopped and appears to have died. There are no flower, leaves, nothing except shoots coming from the ground. The other is still blooming. What could have happened?
Leaf spot
How do I get rid of the dark brown oval dots on my trumpet vines. They are killing the plant. Thank you.
I sadly had to remove my 20+ year old trumpet vine to put up a new fence. I has brought great pleasure to me. I got the start from my late grandmother. I did notice a LOT of ants in the trunk hollowing it out when we cut it down. It grew as a tree (with trimming) on a metal fence post. I had a neo mastiff who spent much of his time chewing the bottom branches off and urinating on it. (bloomed best while he was alive). After he died it didn’t bloom much until I gave it muracid fertilizer, I guess they like acidic soil. Keep it pruned, control ants, mow the shoots in the grass and enjoy. DON”T plant close to house or pools!!!!!!!!!!
I used to live on the lake in Barrie, Ontario, Canada. Bought one of these plants at the local supermarket. The picture on the front of the packaging intrigued me. I planted at the side of the house where, when the wind blew through off the lake, I wondered if it would survive, but it was the only place that it would have room to grow up a small retaining wall topped with a nice fence. It took years, and it was late to come into leaf each year – but when it did it went nuts! It would grow so tall and trail it looped over the top of the fence and into the neighbor’s yard. I used to prune it almost to the ground every fall. It took 8 years to come into flower and when it did I was so excited. It lived up to all my expectations. I hadn’t known that it attracted bees and wasps and sniffed the blooms, only to be surprised at what flew out of it! Be prepared though, the wasps eat away at the blooms – which I found very annoying. When you first see the buds you wonder what the heck they are – they are not the prettiest things on the planet – but the flowers….. ♥ I have saved a lot of pods and let them dry out naturally, and when I finally settle in my forever home – the seeds are the first things I will plant. In full sun of course. Well worth the trouble and the wait!
I have a trumpet vine that has been struggling for several years now. I had to transplant a couple years ago and it has good thick base vines that have sprouted many new vies and has spread about 10 ft across a wall. It get moderate sun. The problem is that it is not blooming and more then half of the leaves are approximately half dry as though t is not getting any water. I am however watering regularly. Ideas’ anyone?
Pruning trumpet vine
How and when do I cut back my trumpet vines for the winter?
Chemical drift
Concerning my trumpet vine and the falling leaves from my September 15 note–I did spray round-up on the brome and dandelions on the ground under the trumpet vine, but nothing on it’s leaves or roots. Would that harm it? The other thing that happened is the airplane spraying of a neighbor’s field–the plane approached over my house and yard, but I thought they were spraying for aphids. Could either of things affected my vine? Will it come back next spring?
Leaf drop
My trumpet vine is losing its leaves rapidly. They turn brown and drop off the vine. Some of the leaves have yellow spots. Is this from too much water?
OK, now you’ve scared me. I was going to plant my split leaf philodendron fairly close to the trumpet plant (it’s not a vine or tree, more like a bush. I have noticed suckers although I wasn’t sure what they were. I don’t want to spray vegetation killer. Can I keep it controlled by pulling suckers? Can it live relatively happily with my split leaf philodendron?
I have trumpet vines growing on the top portion of an old windmill tower. They are 10 or 12 years old and probably 30 feet tall. Last year they were beautiful and produced many flowers and pods. This year they started their growing season normally, then suddenly the flowers dropped too quickly, no pods have been produced, and large areas of leaves have turned brown and dropped. Pruning or spraying is not an option for me because of the height.
Trumpet Vine: Dropped ALL it’s leaves in one day. It was doing great blooming/vining … then – poof! I shook the branches & ALL the leaves & flowers… fell off!
It looked fine – there were still flowers etc., leaves were still green. WHAT HAPPENED? Is it dead? Can I save it? Took years to ‘finally’ bloom!
Mine just did the same, we are in a drought, but we had a heavy rain, and wind, and that’s when the leaves all fell off! Will it come back, what can I do?
My trumpet vine is at the end of my pool …I have been noticing bug droppings in my pool for several days …I sprayed for insects on the vine and this AM I found a large green caterpillar (like a tomato worm) in the bottom of my pool …these must be the culprits …how do i get rid of them??
driving around i have seen trumpet vines that look like trees how are they doing this?
Trumpet vine tree standard
I get that it will get bigger but how long will it take. does it need to have a pole to go up? and once it gets that big what and how do they keep the vine up and looking like a tree?
This is the third summer we’ve lived in our house. The first summer the big trumpet vine in the backyard bloomed gloriously but last year and this year the buds fall off before it ever blooms. The plant itself looks very healthy. Some of the buds are blackened and shriveled; I opened up one and found it to be full of tiny white worms.
How can I treat the plant so it blooms again next season?
I started my trumpet vines from seed and planted outside along a river bank next to a wire fence with 80% sun during the day. The plants are now 3 years old and the growth seems to be stunted ,there only about 14 inches tall and will not spread. Whats wrong ??
I have what I thought was a trumpet vine, however, it isn’t vining at all. It is growing straight up and is about 7 feet tall right now. It has never not bloomed except that in the spring it had dome little tiny white and pink sort of flowers way down close to the ground on a couple of branches. Is this really a trmpet vine?? Even though that is what the tag said I’m not sure anymore. Any ideas what this could be?
we are thinking of planting trumpet vines over a rock garden that goes downhill. The rocks are very large and the soil is sandy. We have a wooden barrier up so the hillside will not fall—-is it a good idea to plant trumpet vines since they seem to take over everything? Is something else better?
I have a trumpet vine for about five years. i noticed that something is eating it very fast and there are some small drops(poops) next to the planter. I sparyed it immediately with insecticidal soap from schults. let me know what should i do?
I have two cross-vines which have both developed small yellow spots on the leaves which turn brown. One was recently planted in full sun. The other is still in its pot on my shaded porch waiting for a friend coming from out of state to get it. Both are putting on new growth, but as the leaves mature, they get the spots. As I plan to make tea from the leaves, this is a problem. Is it normal? Or a fungus that needs treating?
Ants on trumpet vine
Our trumpet vine is finally blooming, but it is being attacked by ants. Will they cause the plant any harm, and if so, do you have any suggestions for getting rid of them? Thank you, I have found this web-site to be very helpful.
The question I have about the trumpet plant is how cold can it get before the roots will freeze? I live in the eastern part of North Carolina and was wondering if I can put my trumpet plant into the ground instead of having it in the pot or will it freeze during the winter. The average winter can get down to about the freezing point of 32 degrees and at times fost does form on the ground. Should I keep my plant in the pot or can I put it into the gound and it will continue to come back just like a perennial would? Is there anyone who can give me the correct answer to my question? Your respose would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Joanie
I have been trying to get rid of my trumpet vine for years, I cut it down to the ground, but if I don’t go out every few days to pull out suckers that are all over the yard, my entire yard and house would be covered with the wretched thing. It is the worst gardening mistake I have ever made.
I think it should be illegal, and that anyone who has one should dig it out while it is still young, while you can.
I live in Massachusetts, where it freezes and snows, and the vine CANNOT be controlled.
You have my sympathy. I have 60′ of wood fence across my backyard and every inch is covered in trumpet vine. It is invading my neighbors yard as well. I have had it cut to the ground and fence replaced, but it came back as strong as ever. The battle is on now. I have roundup and know how to use it!
I came into this posting to see if I could figure out what is eating my well established trumpet vine. I have a few ideas now. I had to laugh, however, when I read that in the colder climates the vine tends not to overgrow because of winter. I live 80 km north east of Toronto and we can have some very cold spells in the winter. My trumpet vine is well established. We wrapped it the first couple of winters then stopped after that. I have to check it out every couple of days to keep it trimmed back. It did go wild one year and we had not blossoms. One of the local nurseries told us what had happened and what to day about it. Fortunately I planted it where it is not near any other plants. I use vegetation killer on the little shots and cut off the new growth that is trying to spread from the main plant. Maybe in the Artic this plant might have problems but it seems to adapt quite well around here. I am not a gardener. I plant things, give them basic care and hope they grow. If they survive me then they have to be strong.
I just noticed yesterday that 2 of my trumpet vines that I have growing up an arbor are looking horrible with the flowers shriveled on the vine and coated with a white powdery looking substance as well as the leaves. I read above about the mold but I’ve never seen white mold before and I’ve never had fungus problems with plants before so I don’t know what to do to help my vines.
Evil invasive Trumpet vine
For the life of me, I can’t imagine why anyone in their right mind would want to plant one of these evil things! I don’t care how beautiful the flowers are or what kind of birds they attract, the fact of the matter is, these monsters are highly invasive, taking over anything and everything in its path. And worst of all, they’re suspected to be poisonous to both pets and humans (DAH!!) Our neighbors have a couple of these things growing in their backyard about ten feet from the lot line, and the runners are taking over our lawn and choking out the beautiful (and EXPENSIVE) roses we’ve had on our side of the fence. I’ve pointed it out to them on several occasions, but they don’t seem to care. We’ve been using stuff like RoundUp to try and control the new growth on our side, but that’s also killing out our grass and other “desirable” (non-invasive) plant life.
Believe me, if I had a way of killing these things starting off with the vines popping up on our side of the fence all the way back to the main plants, I would do it without even having a second thought.
I have a beautiful trumpet vine that I am training to grow over my childrens’ old wooden playscape. It’s doing well. For the past two years I’ve noticed that the leaves on the newest growth curl inwards and have little green bumps. After awhile, the leaves turn brown and fall off. Any solutions?
My trumpet vines are at least 20 years old and well established. Am I supposed to cut them back in the fall and if so how far down? Thanks
My daughters gave me a yellow trumpet vine for Mother’s day this year. It is still in the pot as I haven’t been able to decide where to put it. After reading all the above I’ve decide to plant it at the foot of a huge white pine in the back yard that gets great sun.
Will the vine hurt the tree?
The pine comes first and is very old. It has lost some of it’s limbs to ice storms (eastern PA location) and this might cover some of the scarred areas.
I have leaf and stem deformaty and death on new growth on two out of three trumpet vines. At the crotch of somw of the new leaves there are clusters of tiny mounds that seem to be related to the problem. No bugs are apparent. Some other bushes in my garden also seem to have leaf wilt and branch death. Any comments?
What are the cluster of tiny mounds? ant hills? Have you sprayed any type of herbicides in the area?
Not clilmbing on trellis
I planted some trumpet vines and provided 2 metal trellises for them to climb, but they don’t attach to them. The vines just spread over the flower bed. Do I need a different kind of support?
I have just planted a trumpet vine this early May for the first time. It was a small plant, about 2-3 inches high when I planted it, and it is green and appears healthy but is still only about 2-3 inches high a month later! Is this normal?
Leap spot disease
I have several trumpet vines and one is out at our barn and is approx 8 feet tall and 12 feet wide it is beautiful and we love it, but i just noticed that it has brown spots all over its leaves and is kicking its blooms off WHAT CAN I DO !!!!!!
Thanks!The yellow leaves are all on established leaves (the vines were each about 3 ft tall when planted)Some of the yellow are also browning. But not all the leaves are yellow, some are green. I am barely watering them, so I’m thinking maybe the soil and wood chips are retaining water?
We have two trumpet vines between 17-18 years old. They’ve grown from the soil to up over a trellis on our deck about 15 ft. high. We don’t fertilize them or do anything but occasionally water them. Usually by late May/early June the “dead” wood has new leaves and branches everywhere, then the flowers follow by late June, very numerous and lovely. This year, one of the vines is doing what it always does; the other shows NO GROWTH of any kind–only the wood. We cannot figure this out, since they are next to each other. Is the one dead? How can we tell? There’s no change in color or anything else–just no growth at all. Please help!
Hi, I have trumpet vine starters from a friends plant. I’ve kept them in a bucket of water for almost a month now, and I need to plant them. Only place I have is an ugly old pole in the backyard with full sunlight, but there’s concrete around the pole about 2 ft. out. Can I plant the vines next to the concrete and tie the vines to the pole till it’s established? Or will tying them to the pole will damage the vine? Thanks for your help!
Trumpet vine recently planted. Yellowing of leaves is occuring. Too much water.
Ijust received my trumpet and it was doing fine…but now something is feasting! Mine it a bush rather than vine. The holes are almost the whole leaf. Can anyone help with some idea what this might be! Isprayed it with “seven” but it didn’t have any impact… HELP
HI Suzi
Is it possible that a “critter” could be eating the leaves? Try a repellant.
I have moved into a house that had a trumpet vine growing up a pole near the deck. It had beautiful orange flowers last year, it has a thick viney base and near by there were all thin vines climbing a trellace. I didn’t know if these other thin vines (with greens only) were connected or not. Either way, I took down all the dead ones. Its early spring and I am noticing absolutely no action from my vines so far, just wood shutes. Did I kill everything? And were the small near by vines related or a different plant?
I planted a new vine last year and it does not have any leaves or even any little leaf buds yet. The branches seem brittle and are easily broken off. Do I need to start over?
My question is similar to M. Brown’s and mine is a lavendar trumpet, have had it for about 4/5 yrs and some of the flowers are the same as she described….distorted, not opening all the way or looking like they should. The way they are opening gives the appearance of “being chewed on” but in reality they are not. We had a rather dry year here in Sac, CA so I’m not too concerned about over waters…there is leaf spot which I do get every year….I’m thinking maybe not enough water or the roots are somehow getting compacted in the soil and it’s being restricted some how, nothing obvious but something is going on with it….last year it was stunning.
We planted trumpet vines last summer and they grew and bloomed. I am not sure if they wintered safely. They now have dead leaves still attached. It is now the end of April.
We live in the low mountains with desert climate. Are the vines dead or can we do something to get rid of all the dead leaves still attached? Skip
Are trumpet plants deer proof? Will they eat just the flowers, or the leaves as well?
We planted a trumpet vine in order to cover our pergola and it is off to a slow start but we are hoping for more rapid growth in the spring. We have had a lot of rain recently and the leaves are turning yellow. My question is – is the change in colour due to too much rain or is the trumpet vine a deciduous plant and the leaves will fall off?
we have a trumpet vine that is two years old starting around the fence pool. it’s growing well, blooms and has pods, but what i’m reading about the plant almost scares me about it’s spreading. should any type of fertilizer be used if it is doing well
My lavender trumpet vine is well established and blooms well in spring. I found a 2 inch long, 1 inch wide light green spiked pod hanging from one vine. Is this a type of seed pod? Your excellent site does not address anything of this nature. Thank you
Wow! I just stumbled onto this site because I was wondering about how trumpet vines were propagated, and I read all the questions and answers, and everything I wanted to know was right there! This is the best site I have found for plant info! Now I am going to find some answers about honeysuckle! Thanks for this site, it’s great!!!
I have a four year old Trumpet Vine. I am moving and would like to take some cuttings. I have some runners that have rooted around the main stem. How deep do I have to dig these to assure that they will survive the winter until I can plant them in their new location. Should I put them in a pot over the winter? Thanks
Finally, after 8-10 years my Trumpet vine bloomed. My husband argued with me for years that I had not planted a Trumpet vine because it never bloomed and other vines in neighbouring properties sprouted blooms every year. When the buds finally opened, the flowers were odd looking as if something had eaten the flowery part at the end and only left the long tube-like part of the bloom. Any suggestions as to why this has happened? Is my Trumpet vine a dud?
I have a vine approx. 5-6 years old. It seems to be growing well, but the bottom half of the vine, the leaves have a whitish/brown worm-like markings on them and I have no flowers. Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank You,
Debbie Scooneas
my flowers get eaten as soon as they appear. Help!
Eradicate trumpet vine
I have trumpet vines in backyard that are going crazy and taking over the whole yard, climbing the house, I haven’t found a way to destroy them..Is there a fairly easy way?
I recently purchased a 5 trumpet vines(approx 6ft tall). I planted them in an area that gets direct sunlight. They have been in the ground for about 2 weeks and I have noticed that some of the leaves are getting dark. I am not sure what could be causing this or what it is. Any suggestions.
I have a well established (16 or 17 years old – northeast Iowa) trumpet vine in the back yard which I’ve pruned to grow up a pole. With pruning it looks great and attracts a lot of humming birds. The problem is that each year it becomes more invasive of the rest of the yard. I’ve considered digging around it and essentially creating a large in-ground bottomless “pot” of concrete to contain it. My questions are:(1) is how deep would that “pot” have to be to prevent the invasive runners? And (2) how large a diameter of a “pot” would I need to provide adequate space for the roots of the trumpet vine I want to keep? Thanks for any advice you can give.
My trumpet vine is maybe 20 yrs. old, well established, this year it started to grow beautifully, now its new growth in the middle has turned brown and died. This is also happening to a younger vine. We have had bouts of hot and cool weather and more rain than usual. Is this the problem?
I have a trumpet vine that is about 8″ high that i have started in a pot inside to give it a healthy start. I have noticed that the leaf tips are slightly curling up and are brown. I feel that i give the plant plenty of water. What is causing this the leaves to turn brown?
Okay, after a thorough investigation, I found what appears to be dark colored aphids on the flower blooms and also the buds. How can I get rid of these? Thanks for your help.
My trumpet vine has recently started blooming, but is dropping flowers after a few days. Is this normal? Also I have many ants on the flowers. Can they do any damage?
Ants on trumpet vine flowers
“My trumpet vine has recently started blooming, but is dropping flowers after a few days. Is this normal? Also I have many ants on the flowers. Can they do any damage?”
Obviously, it’s too late for “Kelly” to benefit from this reply but for future readers, here’s the answer: I’m a landscape architect and have 15 years experience with Campsis radicans or Trumpet Vines. Ants on a Trumpet Vine are totally and utterly normal, identical to ants on peony flowers! There is NOTHING wrong with your plant. Actually, the ants are an extremely important part of the life cycle of the Trumpet vine and they state out there territory on each cluster of blooms and guard it fiercely! Just touching an individual flower sets them into a frenzy.
Each blossom, when it looks like an orange tube of lipstick is covered in a sweet substance. The ants eat it off, like peony blooms, and it’s ONLY because they eat the sugar coating that the blossom can emerge. The plant benefits from this because ants are the major pollinator of this plant, despite the amount of bees, wasps, and hummingbirds that you see sipping from the flowers. The Trumpet Vine has developed a symbiotic relationship with ants which carries through the entire summer; I’ve even seen the ants protecting the developed pods, well after the blossoms have fallen.
Regarding the blossom drop, that too is normal. Each and every day, I sweep up hundreds and hundreds of flowers from my 50′ long Trumpet Vine; they usually stay on the plant 2-3 days.
I hope this information helps future readers and that the ants are given a new appreciation for “Service’s Rendered”.
Propagating trumpet vine
How do I go about starting trumpet vines from another plant? Do I have to wait until it goes to seed?
Eradicate rampant runners
I have a trumpet vine that is right next to my vegetable garden. The runners are a night mare! They wind around everything. If I use Round Up on the runners, will it also kill the main plant? the neighbor might not be pleased.
I am concerned about the negative reviews reguarding the way this plant invades the area around it. I am considering putting my new-comer into a pot because of this. Could you tell me the size of pot and any other important information reguarding this approach to planting a red trumpet, AND, will it bloom as well planted this way?
This vine is a horror — neighbor’s vines took over my side of fence and strangled three healthy pyracantha if you can imagine! This happened when elderly mother was unable to pay attention to her yard, nor did anyone else. After killing the pyracantha this scourage went for the rose bushes but I finally hacked it back and saved roses. Warning: do not ever plant this “weed” near anything else you want to save — it will wind around it and kill it — we are in So Calif. Lots of heat and drought. Neighbor loves it and wants us to cover a gate with it that attaches to our house. Thanks but no — this garbage invades pipes, walls, etc. As others have said, it’s a nightmare and should never be tolerated.
I live in Northern California, Bay Area. I have 6 trumpet vines, 4 red & 2 lilac, they are planted in sandy soil near a pool (about 4 feet away) on a very strong pergola. They get about 4 hrs of direct sun a day. They are VERY slowly growing. Since I’ve been reading comments about its aggresiveness, should I be concern about the roots damaging my gunite pool? Should I get rid of them? If so, what can I plan instead under this conditions. I just want green foliage to cover my pergola all year round.
We also have clay here in NV. I remedied this by adding clean sand and bags of pearlite to the soil. You can also try adding some gravel or clean straw. But the pearlite seems to work best.
I have a beautiful trumpet plant. I got mildew in early spring so I cut all the leaves and branchs off. I sprouted new beautiful leaves and now is covered in mildew. How do I get rid of mildew??
Not blooming
I, too, have a three year old trumpet vine that has never bloomed. It gets partial sun but I have no other sunnier spot for it. Should I just give up on it? Lots of vine foliage – no blooms. BobbyJean
Plant seeds
A friend gave me the seeds to a trumpet vine, I would like to know the correct way to plant it. How long does it take to germinate?
Should I spray for bugs on my trumpet vine? I have little green bugs all over it.
I’ve had my trumpet vine for three years now. I get foliage but it has never bloomed. Now the leaves seem to be getting very weak and they have tiny white spots on the underside of the leaves. What shoud I do?
Not blooming
My trumpet vine is about seven years old and has never bloomed. We live in the midwest. It is as tall as a privacy fence with great foliage but no blooms not even a bud.
I have 3 long pods of a Trumpet vine. What do I do with them. I don’t know when to plant or how. Someone said to put them under a rock and forget them till spring. Do I take the seeds out or plant the pod seeds and all. Need help.
Transplant trumpet vine
I need to move my trumpet vine, it is long and viny. how and where should I plant it?