Venus flytrap care
The world of carnivorous plants consists of exotic flesh-eating plants that will peak anyone’s curiosity. The large family of 645 registered species are grown all over the world in diverse environments and come in different…
Grow Rieger Begonia
Rieger begonia (Begonia x hiemalis), Elator hybrids also known as Winter Begonia comes from a huge family of begoniaceae. It is a hybrid cross between tuberous and wax (fibrous) begonia that was developed by Otto…
Grow edible ginger
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Common ginger, Cooking ginger is an exotic herb native to forest of tropical Asia. It is mainly grown for its aromatic, edible root that is used in cooking as well as medicinal…
Florist Azalea care
Azalea is one of the longer lasting indoor blooming plants you can buy. Most Azaleas purchased from florists and supermarkets are greenhouse grown and are hardy in zones 7-10. When choosing an Azalea, pick one…
Fuchsia care
I bought a big, wonderful Fuchsia to hang on my porch which gets shade all day. It was doing fine till the last couple days when the weather got to the 80’s. It is going…