Fungus gnats
All of my houseplants have turned brown on the tips. I also have little gnats flying around them. I have sprayed and no results. What could this be caused by? Even though brown tips can…
Winterize elephant ear
I have a question about how to winterize Elephant Ears growing in my yard. What needs to be done and how. Elephant ear, Alocasia are a semi-tropical tuberous bulbs that are hardy in zone 8-11…
Grow Hops
Growing hops In recent years the popularity of microbreweries and home brewing has been on the increase. Unfortunately, due to a higher demand and rising shortage of hops, the cost of beer production has increased – all…
Gardenia care
The glossy dark green leaves and fragrant milky white flowers of the gardenia plant make it an irresistible plant to grow. Usually sold in bloom or bud, the intoxicating fragrance entices us to make it…
Iris borer
Iris borer (Macronoctua onusta) is a pinkish caterpillar with rows of black spots on their sides. When full grown, it is about 2 inches long. The larvae emerge from the ground in April or early…