Hydrangia care
Here are some reason why hydrangea fail to bloom :
1. Too much shade-all grow in partial shade but too much will reduce or eliminate bloom.
2. Too much fertilizer-too much nitrogen will promote healthy green leaves at the expense of flowers.
3. Winter damage- If you live in the cooler climates, the flower buds may have been damaged from freezing temperatures. Only smooth (H. arborescens) and panicle(H. paniculata) hydrangea bloom on new wood; bigleaf hydrangea (H. macrophylla) blooms primarily on old wood (*with the exception of new remotant bloomers ) which means that they need to set their buds in the current season and make it through the winter to bloom the following year. *New cultivars of H. macrophylla, such as Endless Summer, Twist n Shout will bloom on old growth as well as new growth.
4. Pruning – be aware of the timing. Judicious pruning is important. Too much and late pruning will eliminate next years flower buds. If you prune to reduce the height, do so right after blooming. If you prune to thin out the plant, cut some of the oldest stems to ground level in the early spring(dormant season). Most hydrangeas grow well with no pruning at all whereas others such as H. arborescens (Annabelle) and H. paniculata (Pink Diamond) usually need to be cut back every year.
When is the best time to cut back Hydrangeas?
The best time to prune is early spring and immediately after flowering. It helps to know what kind of Hydrangea you have to know how much to prune.
H.arborescens blooms on new wood, so you can cut it down to 1/2 size or 6″ above the ground in the winter or early spring. No pruning will give you less vigorous growth and smaller flowers.
H. paniculata – same as H. arborescens.
H. macrophylla Bigleaf hydrangea- blooms on old wood (except for Endless Summer, Penny Mac and All Summer Beauty). Prune only to remove spent flowers. Cut right below the flower head. Any other pruning will reduce flower production for the next season. The more you cut the less flowers you will get.
H. quercifolia, Oakleaf hydrangea blooms on old wood -prune same as H. macrophylla.
Prune in early spring to shape or thin the plant at the expense of flowers.
Browning leaves after pruning
I read on a post that I could prune mop heap hydrangea that I could prune these in June and July, so I pruned it. Now the leaves are turning brown.
What could be the reason for this?
Hi, I live in malaysia and it is hot and humid here. I bought a pot of (rheignland mophead hydrangeas i guess ?) from a local plant nursery. The shopkeeper told me to place them under full shade, but I found out some information saying NO HYDRANGEAS DO WELL IN FULL SHADE , and that I should place them under a spot that receives morning sun and afternoon shade , but the problem is, my garden does not receive any morning sun , and if I place them under afternoon shade, they will start to droop . What should I do ?
Atlanta Georgia here- planted two each of Endless Summer the original ( Bailmer ) and H. Marcrophylla ( Blue Billows )- planted in mid Sept. First Frost last weekend Nov 5th . Now the leaves are browning. I am new to Hydrangeas and wonder what I should do for winter- for the plants health overall and also of course for the most blooms. Thank you for any wisdom to a newbie. I hear the Endless Summer will bloom on new growth but the regular broadleaf will not- I can really only find info on winter care for northern climates.
Thank you.
Sun exposure
Should I transplant my plant in a shady spot? I live in the San Francisco Bay Area and have recently planted a hydrangea plant in a location that gets full sun light, primarily because the soil is better at this location. I have clay about 12 inches under the soil throughout the yard and often times in the winter the water just sits on top of the soil after a hard rain. Any suggestions area appreciated.
Leaf spot and powdery mildew
i live in middle tennessee and have a fairly young hydrangea bush that has black spot on all the leaves, and some white mildew also. I know I should probably spray it with a fungicide, but do I need to remove the leaves,leaving bare branches or should I just wait and prune the whole bush later this winter? The bush is about 3 feet tall.The variety is a pinky winkly.
Annabelle hydrangea
My Annabelle blooms and the leaf is brown and brittle, our temps have been in excess of 90 degrees this year quite often. They are watered by sprinkler system every other day around 4am. They have been in the ground 1 year. May I add iron to them in October? They haven’t been over fertilized, maybe 4 times total from May to July. Im speculating it’s a watering issue. So I just want to add iron for now, and prune a little after it goes dormant. Im I ok to do so?
Annabelle hydrangea
Hi I live in streamwood, Il and this April I planted Hydrangea Anabelles. I baught them as 2 quart pot size plants and planted them in my front yard. I had couple of questions.
1) How long will they take for them to bloom?
2) The leaves on one of the plants is browning and curling up, why? and should I cut those leaves off?
3)DO I have to do anything for the winter to protect them?
Hardiness/winter protection
I have two Kaleidoscope Hydrangeas. I live in upper Michigan. One plant will get big and not bloom, there aren’t even any buds on it, but the leaves look great. The other plant is small in size but has great looking leaves. This one won’t bloom either or even produce buds. They get sun/shade and are about 4 feet apart from each other. I was told they were planted at the same time. They have been in the same spot for years and no blooms. Located behind them about 10 feet are 3 pine trees. We live in the woods in a marshy area. For the winter we cover them. What do I do to get blooms?
Planting hydrangea
I planted 3 endless summers this morning and I am afraid I did not plant them deep enough. The base of the plants were above ground level about 2-3 inches. Also, being a complete beginner, I did not loosen up the roots of the plant just put in as it came out of the container. I used some planting soil but not a whole lot. I wonder- will they root ok? The original soil is like clay- thick and rocky. What do you think? Can I do anything at this point? Thanks so much!
I did try the scratch test, and there’s a only hint of green. I’m not sure if it means there’s some life! When I was re-potting, the roots looked healthy, so I’m going to leave it alone for a bit… and if nothing happens after 2-3wks, it probably is dead. Thanks for your comments- I know better for next time NOT to leave the pot outside!
I bought a Hydrangea sapling from Walmart last year & it produced beautiful pink blossoms in summer. Reading that it’s best not to cut the flowers off, and noticing small green ‘bulbs’ on the stalks, once the temperature dropped to 10deg at night, I wrapped the pot in newspapers & bubble wrap to overwinter on my balcony. Last week when I unwrapped the pot, I noticed web-like mildew (?) on the stalks, which are all hardened & the ‘bulbs’ are shrunken & brown. I cut the dried blooms off & re-potted the plant in fresh soil- I’m wondering whether there’s any point in having done that if the plant died? How would I know if it is dead?? The part where I cut off the blooms has a hint of green, but it does look like it’s all hardwood. Thanks for any advice on what I should do, other than wait & watch if anything happens!
Brown edges on leaves
I have a large white lacey hydrangia;the leaves or turning brown on the edges. There are some stalks that are dying. We have had a very hot dry summer in Texas. I have not fertilized in a couple of months. What should I do about this.
Hi: I have bought two Panicle Hydrangias. Two questions.
1) What kind of fertilizer should I use when I plant them?
2) Any other special planting info you may have would be appreciated.
We live in Eastern Ontario Canada.
Cannot change color
I have white hydrangeas that have turned green. (I don’t know the variety of hydrangea) What can I do to maintain the white or change the color to blue or pink?
Also the head of the flowers are so large the stems are having trouble supporting the weight. Can you suggest a method to
make the stems stronger?
thank you.
Transplanting hydrangea
live in NE Tennessee and have a large 3 year old mop head hydrangea that I would like to transplant. When is the right time to transplant and should it be pruned back or try and transplant it in its current size?
Make a hydrangea tree
We want to make it a tree. Trying to figure out how to do so..
HI Rick
What you need to do is pick out one straight dominant stem and remove all others. This will focus all energy on the main stem. As the stem grows and gets taller, remove any side shoots or growth that may show up on the stem but leave the top growth. This process takes a few years. It’s just like making a topiary.
We have a pink diamond hydrangea. It is a tree type hydrangea. How do we train a new center leader to get the tree to grow taller. We appreciate any insight you offer.
Thank you,
Hi Rick
I am assuming that your Pink Diamond hydrangea is already in a rounded tree form at this time. Do you want to keep it that shape or do you want a more triangular form? Once the hydrangea stops blooming, it will continue to grow making it larger overall. Or are you starting with a shrub and trying to make it a tree?
i bought 3 macrophylla hydrangea and just found out they are poisoneous. i have a dog, what parts of the plant are poisoneous. can i contain them in pots and prune them yearly thereby protecting my dog?
I have changed by dead pinky winky with a paniculata Grandiflora (tree type). Two items appear in the messages above about other types of hydrangeas : using 10-10-10 fertilizer and not fertilizing after August 1st. Does this apply to this type of hydrangea too?
I live in southern Indiana and am just starting to garden – learning still. Is it possile to divide an Annabelle hydrangea?
I am in zone 4 and have a PeeGee Pinky Winky (tree not shrub) hydrangea planted last spring (2008). It was glorious all last summer, but now it is the last week in May and still no leaf buds. Is it still viable?
do hydrangia’s grow in south texas…zone 9b…we’re in Brownsville, Tx
Dry hydrangea flowers
For cut flowers for the table.I bought some hydranga flowers and they went droppy. Is there anything I can do to bring them back. Also from my garden when I cut some from my hydranga bust, what can I do to keep them looking full and nice. One more question; and if I want to dry them, what is the best thing to do.
Thanks Corinne
Winter protection Nikko blue hydrangea
Should I wrap my Niko Blue in Burlap or Plastic to survive a Northern Montana Winter or should I just leave it uncovered?
My mother has 3 hydrangias in Ottawa On so our weather gets quite cold. They have large cream colored blooms. Last winter the flowers were attacked by local rabbits over the winter, then 2 bloomed 1 did not. Can we cut off the dead blooms to keep the rabbits away. if so how much can we cut back. Thanks
Leaf spots
I have a Blushing Bride hydrangea. It is planted by the house on the southwest corner. It gets some afternoon sun. The leaves have brown spots on them. What should I do? Thanks, KAY
Thank You That helped me alot. Shall I cut the dead brown stalk off that I mentioned, down to the green leaves or should I just leave them. Should I cut the flowers off? Thank You
Transplant shock
After I planted my hydrangea it wilted and the leaves on top of the stalk turned brown. I pruned them off, but they never got new leaves where the old ones were. The new leaves came lower and I have a bare stalk above. The flowers also had brown spots, Why is this?
I have a blue endless summer hydrangea. It has been blue for the past two summers I have had it. This year we have had sooooo much rain (Southeastern Maine) and now the blooms have turned blue. I understand the ph soil thing and assume the heavy rain must have had some impact. My question is whether it is too late(Late August) to try/or too late to bother to change the blooms back by treating the soil. Should I just wait and see what happens next spring?
Two Questions….. (1)I have had a hydrangia plant for the past 10 years but it has never bloomed. It’s very large. It gets some sun and shade throughout the day. In the late spring I have trimmed back, what looks like, dead stalks. (2) Just this year, however, I have noticed several new hydrangia plants scattered throughout my garden, some with pink blooms. How’d they get there?
I live in western MI. I have just planted two Spreading Beauty Hydrangeas. They have flowered and the flowers are now spent. Do I prune them now or in the fall and how do I prune? Also what type of fertilizer do they need and how often?
i havewhat looks like white cotten buds on the stems and underneath the leaves what are they and how do i treat it
We live in Evanston, Illinois, and have a huge Annabelle that is full and balanced at the beginning of the summer but separates after the first heavy rain. Do you recommend underplanting something around it to help keep the blooms upright? Thank you.
I dont have a comment, but rather a question. I have a blue endless summer plant. I transplanted it in a large pot that sets on a patio in front of the house. It gets mostly sun from about 8 to 3. I noticed that a few of the blooms have been getting black on them. What could be causing this?
My hydrangia plant stems are curling and twisting at all angles. What could cause this?
Have you or your neighbor sprayed with any herbicides lately? Are the leaves distorted?
I live in Milwaukee WI, near Lake Michigan. I have Nikko and All Summer Beauty-Serrata. I was told NOT to prune last fall. Now, this spring, I have long “sticks” coming out of the ground, with green leaves starting to form at ground level. Is this normal. I was told to put rusty nails in the soil around the plants to keep the blooms blue… is this true or just a myth??
We live outside of St Louis, I have a beautiful pink hydrangea and I don’t know what type of soil and drainage is needed to keep it healthy. Our yard is small but I do have full shade, part shade and full sun. From reading others notes, I understand it is probably best part sun. My biggest problem is water, our yard slopes toward the house. It stays wet for quit some time when we have even a little of rain. I would like it close to the house, but, it that is where the soil is very wet. After a rain it normally takes a few days for the soil to dry. Please help!
Divide hydrangea
My pink Hydrangia in a large container has fared very well the past 2 years. Now, in Dallas, its dormant and we are all ready for its showy early summer blooms. Can I break the root into 2 and repot the 2nd one? I really would love to see them in 2 separate pots.
Sun exposure
How much sun is ok for hydrangeas? The patio gets some morning sun. Also, how often should they be watered?
I live in East TN. I planted a pink hydrangia several years ago. The leaves come back each year, but I never get to see the flowers, because the deer eat it. Is there anything I can do to keep the deer away?
Insect problem
I just bought 4 of the new blushing brides (macrophylla’s) 2 are white and the other 2 are blue. While I haven’t got to enjoy my first bloom just yet something is enjoying my leaves while I’m waiting for my new babies to bloom. Any Idea’s on what it my be and whats safe as a pesticide to put on my plants? I live in the Southeastern part of Guilford County in North Carolina if that’s of any help…..
Fertilize hydrangea
I have one oakleaf hydrangea (got last year) and is doing beautifully. already grew almost 4 feet. What do I fertilize it with and when. I also planted 13 Endless Summer Hydrangea ad they are doing great. What’s for fertilizing then and when. Thanks.
Frost damage
i planted my hydrangia plants five of them about a week ago and last night we had a temps below 32 degrees and now they are wilted and maybe even a little brown will they be ok?
Protecting hydrangea in winter
I have three hydrangeas and all three have died back to ground level this fall. One did the same last year. It had one small bud at ground level and I nursed it back to 18″ this year. What is causing them to die to ground level?
Flopping flowers
I have two Hydrangias planted outside that are 3 years old. The leaves are small, the stalks are tall and thin, the flowers are very large and too heavy for the stalks. I live in Southeast Missouri. Is there a way I can prune them to make them fuller and stronger?
I have no green thumb, but my plants are doing extremely well. I would like sepecific, detailed information on pruning them. I have the hydrangias that bloom all the time.
They are currently “loaded” with blooms, but I do not know how far from the flower to cut off. Some of the flowers are now spent and I want to prune them.
I also am trying to figure out if I need to prune any of the green leaves.
Thanks. Paul
What can I do about the white powdery mildew on my hydrangeas? Is it dangerous to the bushes? What caused it? I live in the deep south.
I have a HOBELLA & HOMIGO HYDRANGEA . Could you tell me what type I am dealling with as far as do they bloom on old or new wood. Also, what is the difference between a Hydranga with a small leaf or one with a large leaf, what character differences are there? Thanks a million for any info you can give me. Amanda S.
I recentely purchased 6 hydrangeas. I left them in the pots for several days and all was fine. A week ago, I planted them in an area that is in the shade until the evening sun. Now all of the blooms are drooping to the ground and all curled up, and the leaves are drooping with some of them brittle on the edges. What did I do wrong? They are getting watered by the sprinkler system in our yard. I have done lots of research on hyrdrangeas before I planted them,and cant imagine what the problem is. Can you help! Please!
Vivian, N. Texas
HYdrangea color change
I bought my hydrangea 2 years ago, when i first bought it it was a gorgeous lilac and purple colour, after planting it in a large pot of it’s own the next summer it had turned a dirty pink colour! which i find very unattractive… how do i get it back to the colour it was? and what soil do i use?
Michele Wexler ( mhwexler@earthlink.net / )
Can pink big leaf plants be changed to blue? Mine plants are dong very well, they are in a very good spot morning filtered sun with afternoon shade. Shoud I remove the blooms when they get old and turn to a greenish color?
What chemical should I use to change my hydrangea from pink to blue?
I have a“macrophylla” hydrangia that I have in a pot outside. How do I care for it over the winter here in Ohio? I understand it is poisonous and I have a dog so am concerned about bringing it inside. Anyway to save it by putting it in a shed to protect it?
Yes, you can keep it dormant in a garage or area where it won’t freeze. Wrap the container with insulation to keep the roots from freezing.
Wintering annabelle hydrangea
i just bought and planted a pitiful annabelle hydrangia today – october! should i add fertilizer at this point or wait until sping? also, since it is in a sad state, should i cover it this winter?
What is the best time of year to plant hydrangeas?
Transplant shock
Wilting Hydrangia leaves. Plant is pot and not exposed to hot sun. Was a transplant from the ground but now in a container. Leaves continue to wilt even when watered.
How do I treat black spot on my hydrangea leaves?
should the hydrangea blooms be cut off when the flower is spent, and when is it best to do so, when the bloom is completely spent or sooner? At what point on the stem do you cut away the spent bloom? Thank you
Fertilizer burn
My plant was fine until a few days ago when I fed it with an acid fertilizer. Now the leaves are turning brown at the edge and curling. It is in partial shade & sun. What happened?
Hydrangea color change
I just bought a pink hydrangea. What kind (numbers ie 10-10-10) of fertilizer should I use to keep it pink.
My next door neighbor has purple hydrangea and I have Med Blue…we swapped and the purple turn blue when I planted at my house…How can I get purple back. Donna Peavy
Tawnie ( mccrarytawnie@comcast.net / )
I bought green, pink,and purple plants.The next year they all bloomed blue. How can I turn them back to their original colors?
i have a purple plant that turned blue.I repotted to a bigger container & now its green.My favorite is purple/HELP!!!
Hydrangeas: Are they poisonous? I want to plant some in a garden visited by elders with dementia. Sometimes they “eat the daisies.”
The leaves curl and turn black or dark on the edges.
I have a Tokyo Delight hydrangrea. Does anyone know what “type” this is so that I can determine how best to prune?
How do I know what kind of hydrangea I have, and how do I know when to prune if it doesn’t bloom?
There are so many varieties and cultivars of hydrangea but they all basically fall into 4 categories.
1. Smooth hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens) is hardy zone 4-9. This native shrub gets 3-4 ft. tall and has a rounded spreading form. The leaves are large and rounded, deep green. The flowers are cream colored rounded clusters . ‘Annabelle’ and ‘Grandiflora’ are popular varieties. It blooms on new wood so if you cut the old stems to the ground in late winter you will still have flowers the coming season.
2.Panicle hydrangea(Hydrangea paniculata) is hardy zone 3-8. It is the most hardy of all hydrangeas. This multi-stemmed shrub grow 10-20 ft. tall(some cultivars are smaller). The leaves are oval, dark green and deeply veined. It has cone-shaped clusters that have a blend of small and large ivory- white flowers ,that change to pinkish-bronze with age. Some varieties are ‘ Grandiflora’ or PeeGee, ‘Tardiva’, Brussels Lace’ and ‘Pink Diamond’. It also blooms on new wood.
3.Bigleaf hydrangea(H. macrophylla) is hardy zone 6-9. It has a mounded, wide spread form that grows 3-6 ft. tall. Leaves are deep green, large-oval shape. It is known for its lush flowers that come either in the globe-shaped form or lacecap blossoms. The “mophead” shapes are large, rounded blooms that consist of showy flowers ;whereas the lacecap group have flat showy flowers with small starlike flowers in the center. Among some of the varieties are ‘Nikko Blue’, Forever Pink’ and ‘Glowing Embers’. These bloom on old wood (last year’s growth) so prune after blooming for height. If you prune in early spring you will lose some flowers. There is a new variety Endless Summer (‘Bailmer’) that will bloom on old and new wood and is hardy to zone 4. If you prune this one at the wrong time it will still bloom the next year.
4.Oakleaf hydrangea (H. quercifolia) hardy zone 5-9. Ths multi-stemmed form grows 6-8 ft tall. Easily recognized by its oakleaf-shaped floliage and long conical clusters of flowers. Blooms on old wood, so prune right after flowering.
5. Climbing hydrangea-